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Inside Cristiano Ronaldo’s amazing £19m car collection which features a rare £9m Bugatti and two luxury Rolls-Royces

CRISTIANO RONALDO’S car collection is the most formidable we’ve ever seen.

The Portugal star, still going strong at 39, is raking in millions and loves adding cars to his garage.

Cristiano Ronaldo boasts a car collection worth £19million
Ronaldo’s £9m Bugatti Centodieci has appeared in Saudi Arabia
Instagram @cristiano
The £400k Ferrari Purosangue was unveiled by Ronaldo earlier this year[/caption]
Ronaldo was also gifted a BMW XM worth £164k by Al Nassr’s latest sponsor
Instagram @cristiano

Incredibly, he is now believed to be worth over £500million thanks to his bumper contracts over the years at clubs including Manchester United, Real Madrid, Juventus and now Al Nassr.

Ronaldo has made no secret of his love of cars, splashing an astonishing amount on them over the years.

It is believed he has amassed a fleet worth over £19million, and that includes a new BMW XM Red Label that carries a £164,000 price tag – thanks to the German car giants now sponsoring Saudi club.

Earlier this year, he showed off a dark blue Ferrari Purosangue worth £400,000 from his lavish home.

But the pick of his cars has to be a £9million Bugatti, that is one of only 10 ever made.

While he also loves a Range Rover as his family car.

SunSport takes a look at some motors decorating his amazing garage.

Bugatti Centodieci, £9m

Back in 2021, CR7 added the most extravagant and expensive car to his collection.

The £9million Centodieci boasts an 8 litre W16 engine, with special models having 1600hp – some 100hp more than the Chiron and, overall, three times the price of that model.

It can do 0-62mph in just 2.4 seconds and reach a top speed of 236mph.

His Centodieci has been spotted in Saudi.

Ronaldo was recently seen in Riyadh behind the wheel of Range Rover’s new SUV.

Bigger than the Evoque, but smaller than the Sport, it’s the perfect family car for the forward.

It’s electric, so it’s good for the environment.

It’s acceleration is quite slouchy though, measuring 0-62mph from 5.4 seconds.

This stunning Range Rover Velar is now part of Ronaldo’s Middle East fleet

Aston Martin DBS, £200k

When Ronaldo played for Manchester United, he turned heads at Carrington as he rocked up to the gates in an amazing Aston Martin DBS Superleggera convertible.

The Aston Martin DBS Superleggera boasts a 5.2 litre twin-turbocharged V12 engine, providing a mind-boggling 715 hp.

It has a top speed of 211mph, and can also go from 0-60mph in just 3.4 seconds.

The car was certainly a worthy addition to Ronaldo’s stunning motor collection.

When Ronaldo played for Man Utd, he had a Aston Martin DBS[/caption]

Mercedes G-Wagon Brabus, £600

What do you buy your boyfriend if he has everything?

Well, if you’re Georgina Rodriguez you get a massive, gift-wrapped Mercedes-Benz G-Class.

The gorgeous former shop assistant made sure CR7’s had the best birthday ever for his 35th – gifting him a stunning Mercedes G Wagon Brabus that can cost as much £600,000.

And the brilliant SUV can reach top speeds of 137mph.

This customised Mercedes G-Wagon was gifted to Ronaldo by Wag Georgina Rodriguez

Bugatti Chiron, £2.15m

In 2017, Ronaldo’s need for speed saw the mercurial forward splash the cash on a stunning silver Bugatti Chiron.

Incredibly, it can reach speeds of 260 mph, and does 0-60 in just under 2.5 seconds.

As we said, he likes two of everything – and this was the second Bugatti he bought, although he denied buying a third  – the Bugatti La Voiture Noire.

That was reckoned to be the most expensive car in the world EVER at £9.49million, and was snapped up by a mystery buyer.

In 2017, Ronaldo bought a Bugatti Chiron – now worth over £2m

Bugatti Veyron, £1.7m

Only 450 Veyron 16.4 Grand Sports were built, so of course Ronaldo wanted a slice of that rarity pie.

It cost him £1.7m, and the Portuguese legend bought the car as a treat after winning Euro 2016 with his country.

Though the car was involved in a crash in 2022 in Majorca. The driver, who was reportedly not Ronaldo, lost control and the car skidded into a wall.

The front of the Bugatti was believed to have been wrecked with investigators revealed no other vehicle was involved.

The driver of the car did not suffer any injuries and signed an accident report.

In 2022, Ronaldo’s Bugatti Veyron was involved in a crash

Lamborghini Aventador, £260k

Simply because a Bugatti Veyron won’t fulfil Ronaldo’s love of fast cars, in the same year he bought that motor he splashed on a Lamborghini Aventador.

Made in 2011, it’s the most celebrated model by the Italian car designer – and owned by footballers all over the world, not scared of the outlandish price.

Ronaldo celebrated his purchase on Instagram in 2016, with a picture with the caption: “Bom dia (good morning)”.

Instagram @Cristano
Ronaldo poses with his £260k Lamborghini Aventador[/caption]

Rolls-Royce Cullinan, £330k

In 2020, Ronaldo added a Cullinan to his collection, having previously owned a Rolls Royce Phantom worth around £363,000.

Showing his loyalty to his new employers, CR7 even personalised the interior with black and white leather.

Standing at five metres long, the Cullinan boasts a V12 engine and a horse power of 571.

It is the only SUV Rolls Royce have ever produced.

CR7 is a huge fan of Rolls-Royce and has a stunning Cullinan

Ferrari F12 TDF, £350K

In 2017, Ronaldo bought an F12 TDF – another collector’s item with only 799 made in the world.

It is certainly one of the favourites he owns, and is zippy with a top speed of 211 mph, and capable of doing 0-62 in 2.9 seconds.

Needless to say, pet-friendly Ronaldo won’t let his pooches in though.

A lover of supercars, this amazing Ferrari costs £350k

Chevrolet Camaro, £35k

Maybe he learned something from Sir Alex Ferguson about American cars, after all the former Manchester United boss drove a Chevrolet to training when he was Red Devils manager.

A more economic motor than others in his garage, the Camaro has a 6.2-litre V8 engine that delivers 453 horsepower.

It’s cheaper than anything else he owns, and was bought in 2016 as a family car.

Showing that he doesn’t have to always drive flashy cars, Ronaldo was seen in an affordable Chevrolet

McLaren Senna, £1m

A car made as a dedication to the legendary Brazilian racing driver Ayrton Senna, it would’ve set Ronaldo back around £1million – with only 500 models ever made.

So enamoured by its performance on Top Gear, former presenter Jeremy Clarkson said of the McLaren Senna it has ‘rewritten the supercar rule book’.

Powered by a twin-turbo charged V8 engine that produces 800 horse power, it can hit 0-62 mph in just 2.8 seconds.

Mika Hakkinen is another sports star who owns one of these beauties.

This McLaren Senna, worth £1m, was another Ronaldo’s favourite toys

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