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Snooker legends Dennis Taylor and Steve Davis to recreate ‘greatest match of all time’ that smashed BBC records

STEVE DAVIS and Dennis Taylor are set to recreate the “greatest snooker match of all time”.

Dubbed the “Black Ball Final”, the 1985 Sheffield showdown saw 19 million people watch Taylor beat Davis on BBC Two to become world champion.

PA:Press Association
Steve Davis and Dennis Taylor have reunited to recreate the greatest snooker match of all time[/caption]
Dubbed the Black Ball Final, Taylor came from seven frames down to win 18-17 on the final black ball[/caption]
Taylor, known for his upside-down glasses, held his cue aloft after the stunning final in most of snooker’s most iconic photos[/caption]
The final still holds the record for UK viewership for any post-midnight broadcast[/caption]

Davis, who was already a three-time world champion at the time of the match, took a seven-frame lead just as the bookies had expected.

However, Taylor, famed for his upside-down glasses, mounted an incredible comeback before potting the final black to win the match 18-17.

To this day it is a UK viewership record for any post-midnight broadcast.

And Taylor, 75, and Davis, 67, are now set to return to Victoria Hill to recreate the iconic final for a special show alongside host John Virgo that will also see them chat with audience members.

On the reunion, Taylor told the BBC: “John usually gets a couple of people out to do a few trick shots, then Steve and me play a couple of frames, then of course we re-enact that black ball final with the last few colours.

“Steve’s very amusing about it as well, and the amazing thing about it is we re-enact that black ball final and I get to win every night…

“He was very, very serious when he was playing, he was very focussed – but he’s so much fun. I love working with him.

“The three of us interact with the audience and have a lot of fun.”


Taylor revealed that each do their “own little bit” during the second half of the show, before adding that Davis is “very funny”.

The Menace said people still come up to him to talk about that fabled night almost 40 years ago and often turn their cameras upside down when asking for a picture.

He added: “It’s something that they all remember, they remember where they were when Steve and me were battling it out.

“To keep nearly 19 million people up past midnight, watching a fella with ginger hair playing another fella with a big pair of upside down glasses, it’s amazing how it captured everybody’s imagination.

“Steve says he’ll remember that final more than the six that he won…

“If we’d ever thought there was that many people watching I don’t think we’d have been able to hold the cue.

“The audience kept building, and the BBC were cancelling programmes to stay with it, and it just built and built.

“The pressure on both of us was unbelievable, but we weren’t thinking, we were just concentrating on the game.”

Hendry went on to win six world titles, while 1985 would be Taylor’s one and only triumph.

List of all-time Snooker World Champions

BELOW is a list of snooker World Champions by year.

The record is for the modern era, widely considered as dating from the 1968-69 season, when the World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association (WPBSA) took control of the sport.

The first World Championships ran from 1927 – with a break from 1941-45 because of World War II and 1958-63 because of a dispute in the sport.

Joe Davis (15), Fred Davis and John Pulman (both 8) were the most successful players during that period.

Stephen Hendry and Ronnie O’Sullivan share the record for the most titles in the modern era, with seven each.

  • 1969 – John Spencer
  • 1970 – Ray Reardon
  • 1971 – John Spencer
  • 1972 – Alex Higgins
  • 1973 – Ray Reardon (2)
  • 1974 – Ray Reardon (3)
  • 1975 – Ray Reardon (4)
  • 1976 – Ray Reardon (5)
  • 1977 – John Spencer (2)
  • 1978 – Ray Reardon (6)
  • 1979 – Terry Griffiths
  • 1980 – Cliff Thorburn
  • 1981 – Steve Davis
  • 1982 – Alex Higgins (2)
  • 1983 – Steve Davis (2)
  • 1984 – Steve Davis (3)
  • 1985 – Dennis Taylor
  • 1986 – Joe Johnson
  • 1987 – Steve Davis (4)
  • 1988 – Steve Davis (5)
  • 1989 – Steve Davis (6)
  • 1990 – Stephen Hendry
  • 1991 – John Parrott
  • 1992 – Stephen Hendry (2)
  • 1993 – Stephen Hendry (3)
  • 1994 – Stephen Hendry (4)
  • 1995 – Stephen Hendry (5)
  • 1996 – Stephen Hendry (6)
  • 1997 – Ken Doherty
  • 1998 – John Higgins
  • 1999 – Stephen Hendry (7)
  • 2000 – Mark Williams
  • 2001 – Ronnie O’Sullivan
  • 2002 – Peter Ebdon
  • 2003 – Mark Williams (2)
  • 2004 – Ronnie O’Sullivan (2)
  • 2005 – Shaun Murphy
  • 2006 – Graeme Dott
  • 2007 – John Higgins (2)
  • 2008 – Ronnie O’Sullivan (3)
  • 2009 – John Higgins (3)
  • 2010 – Neil Robertson
  • 2011 – John Higgins (4)
  • 2012 – Ronnie O’Sullivan (4)
  • 2013 – Ronnie O’Sullivan (5)
  • 2014 – Mark Selby
  • 2015 – Stuart Bingham
  • 2016 – Mark Selby (2)
  • 2017 – Mark Selby (3)
  • 2018 – Mark Williams (3)
  • 2019 – Judd Trump
  • 2020 – Ronnie O’Sullivan (6)
  • 2021 – Mark Selby (4)
  • 2022 – Ronnie O’Sullivan (7)
  • 2023 – Luca Brecel
  • 2024 – Kyren Wilson

Most World Titles (modern era)

  • 7 – Stephen Hendry, Ronnie O’Sullivan
  • 6 – Ray Reardon, Steve Davis
  • 4 – John Higgins, Mark Selby
  • 3 – John Spencer, Mark Williams
  • 2 – Alex Higgins

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