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Adidas is running its last sale of the year, and tons of excellent shoes are selling out lightning fast. For sneakerheads, these Campus sneakers and classic Sambas are solid buys, while these hiking boots are a prime pick for outdoor lovers. But for an uber-comfortable running or walking shoe, there's one style that's nearly 75% off—and they're flying off the shelves.
Adidas’ Questar 3 Running Shoes are now selling for just $22 when you use the code HOLIDAY at checkout, making the total discount 73% off its normal $80 price tag. These running shoes have earned a solid 4.6-star rating after 300-plus reviews from shoppers who compare their comfort to the likes of Hoka. They’re available in navy and gray at this price, but if you want a pair, you're going to need to order them ASAP.
You don’t need to spend an arm and a leg to get a pair of superbly cushioned running shoes. These sneakers are not quite "maximalist" running shoes, but they definitely perform like them. The star spec in this shoe is the full-length Bounce cushioning that adds some spring and a little pep to your step. The foam and rubber compresses under each step you take, helping to spring you back with a responsive action. The Cloudfoam Plus footbed maximizes comfort even more, offering a plush-like running experience, returning energy into each stride for a pillow-like feel.
“The Questar 3 provides exceptional comfort, making it perfect for both running and everyday use," a shopper said. "The cushioning is soft yet responsive, absorbing impact well while maintaining a lightweight feel. Even after long runs or extended wear, my feet don’t feel fatigued, which speaks volumes about the shoe’s ergonomic design.”
“Fits perfectly—I love the design, colors, and fit," another shopper added. "They're really comfy for running, and I do use them in the gym. A cloud foam feel.”
Adidas’ final sale of the year ends on Dec. 16, but these sneakers are likely to sell out in the coming days. Grab a pair or two of Adidas’ Questar Running Shoes before they are gone for good.