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The First Person to Recognize Jesus Was an Unborn Child

Christmas stands as a radiant beacon of hope, joy, and renewal—a season to reflect on the miraculous birth of Jesus Christ, our Savior. As we celebrate this divine moment, we are drawn to the profound sanctity of life, a truth deeply interwoven with the message of Christmas.

The story of Christmas begins with an act of extraordinary courage, and faith. When the angel announced God’s plan, Mary’s response—her Fiat—was a resounding “yes” to life. Despite the uncertainties, risks, and immense responsibility of bearing and raising the Son of God, Mary trusted God’s will. The ultimate gift of salvation entered the world through her obedience and faith.

Mary’s story is a timeless reminder that every life, no matter how small or vulnerable, holds immeasurable worth and divine purpose.

The Gospel of Luke offers a poignant glimpse into the sanctity of life within the womb. When Mary, carrying the Christ Child, visited her cousin Elizabeth, the scriptures recount a profound moment:

“When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit” (Luke 1:41, NIV).

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In this sacred encounter, John the Baptist—still in his mother’s womb—recognized the presence of the Savior and leaped with joy. This moment is more than a testament to Christ’s divinity; it is a powerful affirmation of the humanity and dignity inherent in every life, born and unborn.

The birth of Jesus in Bethlehem further underscores the beauty and value of life, even in the humblest of circumstances. The King of Kings was born in a stable, wrapped in swaddling clothes, and laid in a manger. His first cries broke the silence of the night, ushering in hope and peace for all humanity. This scene of humility and grace reveals that every life carries profound significance, no matter how small or unassuming.

Christmas calls us to honor and defend the miracle of life. Just as Mary and Joseph protected the Christ Child, we too are called to safeguard the lives of the unborn and support their mothers with hope, compassion, and love. Every child reflects God’s image, a precious gift entrusted to our care. Every mother holds a sacred role in the divine plan of creation.

In a world that often diminishes the sanctity of life, the message of Christmas shines as a clarion call. Joining with grassroots pro-lifers everywhere, National Right to Life, our state affiliates, local chapters, volunteers, and employees carry this light forward, fearlessly championing the inherent value of every human being. Christ’s birth reminds us that life is a gift to be cherished, protected, and celebrated.

As John the Baptist leaped with joy in Elizabeth’s womb, may we, too, be filled with joy and resolve to nurture a culture of life. This Christmas season, let us renew our commitment to the pro-life mission, grounded in the hope, peace, and love that Jesus brings. Let us pray for courage to defend the voiceless, compassion to uplift mothers in need, and unwavering faith in God’s plan for every life.

In the angel’s timeless proclamation, we find our call to action:

“Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David, a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord” (Luke 2:10-11, NIV).

This Christmas, may the hope of the manger inspire us to protect and celebrate life with renewed enthusiasm. Merry Christmas from all of us at National Right to Life and may the light of Christ guide us in cherishing every life as a precious gift.

LifeNews.com Note: Raimundo Rojas is the Outreach Director for the National Right to Life Committee. He is a former president of Florida Right to Life and has presented the pro-life message to millions in Spanish-language media outlets. He represents NRLC at the United Nations as an NGO. Rojas was born in Santiago de las Vegas, Havana, Cuba and he and his family escaped to the United States in 1968.

The post The First Person to Recognize Jesus Was an Unborn Child appeared first on LifeNews.com.

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