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Kate Moss splits from teetotal Nikolai Von Bismarck after 9 years as supermodel declares she wants ‘to have some fun’

KATE Moss has split from aristocrat boyfriend Count Nikolai von Bismarck after nine years together.

Pals say the fun-loving supermodel, who turned 50 this year, has moved out of the London home she shared with the 37-year-old teetotal photographer.

Kate Moss has split from teetotal Nikolai Von Bismarck after nine years together[/caption]
Kate has already moved out of the London home that they shared[/caption]

Meanwhile, Nikolai, who shares his family name with the legendary World War Two German battleship, wants a “quieter life”.

A source said: “Kate and Nikolai have been on and off for months, and ­eventually Kate felt the time was right to move on and cut ties.

“She felt they were going on different journeys in life. And, at 50, Kate feels fabulous and like she wants to get back out there and have some fun in time for Christmas.

“Despite being 13 years her junior, Nikolai wants to enjoy a quieter life. He remains on his sober path and they just have increasingly different hobbies and wants.

“Her pals have been rallying around her, and are super supportive.

“Obviously it’s a bit awkward because they move in similar social circles and he is the son of her great family friend ­Debbie von Bismarck.

“But she and Nikolai remain on friendly terms, and are both adamant there won’t be any tension or hostility.”

Pals say Kate has moved out of the couple’s London home.

They were family friends for four years before getting together in 2015.

Harrow-educated Nikolai was rumoured to have dated Princess Beatrice.

He is a great-great-grandson of 19th-century German Chancellor Otto, Prince of Bismarck.

Giant World War Two battleship The Bismarck was named after him. It was sunk by the Royal Navy off France in 1941.

Nikolia went sober in 2017 and Kate — once dubbed Late Moss by pals because of her love of all-nighters — gave up booze a year later. Two years ago she launched her own wellness range Cosmoss.

In January they celebrated Kate’s 50th in Paris despite previous reports they were no longer dating.

In recent months, Kate has been seen ­enjoying nights out while Nikolai has said he enjoys “being out of the limelight”.

In May, it was revealed that Kate had struck up a close friendship with singer Skip Marley, grandson of late reggae legend Bob.

Kate and Nikolai were family friends for four years before getting together in 2015[/caption]
Getty Images North America
In May, it was revealed that Kate had struck up a close friendship with singer Skip Marley[/caption]

The pair were snapped holding hands after a performance at the MedBodrum festival in Turkey.

Meanwhile, Nikolai was linked to French-American model and actress Camille Rowe, an ex of Harry Styles.

However, pals later suggested Kate and ­Nikolai had a “bohemian” relationship and were still together.

Some friends believe Kate Moss has never got over a three-year relationship with Johnny Depp, which ended in 1997.

She also famously dated Babyshambles wildman Pete Doherty, before marrying The Kills frontman Jamie Hince in 2011. They divorced four years later.

She has a model daughter, Lila, from her relationship with publisher Jefferson Hack, in 2002.



Kate and Johnny dated from 1994 to 1997[/caption]

KATE led a Hollywood lifestyle with heart-throb Depp from 1994 to 1997.

Things got off to a tempestuous start when Depp trashed a New York hotel room after a pal was said to have “screwed” him over.

Depp caused £8,000 damage in the rampage while Kate slept.


Kate had a daughter with fashion mogul Hack in 2002[/caption]

SHE dated fashion mogul Hack after her relationship with guitarist Antony Langdon.

Their daughter, Lila Grace, was born in 2002, but her parents split in 2004.

Reports suggest the pair continued to spend time with Lila Grace, who also chose a fashion career.


Kate and Pete went to rehab together but split in July 2007[/caption]

KATE met Pete at her 31st birthday bash in January 2005.

In September, images emerged of her preparing cocaine — leading to her being dropped by two fashion houses.

She and Pete split, reunited, went to rehab together, got engaged, then parted for good in July 2007.


GC Images
Kate and Hince married in 2011 but divorced in 2016[/caption]

KATE and Hince started dating in 2007 after mutual friends set them up.

One year on they got engaged in Amsterdam and married in 2011 at a glitzy bash in Gloucs.

They divorced in 2016.

Kate is believed to have kept most of their combined wealth in an out-of-court deal.

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