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Will Trent Is About To Shake Things Up With Two New Characters For Season 3

Will Trent Season 3 returns with a time jump and two new characters who will shake up the canvas. Check out our thoughts.

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Will Trent Season 3 returns on January 7, 2025, and it will be the most dramatic season yet.

Will Trent Season 2 ended with some major cliffhangers, and it appears the third season will have another time jump to account for the long break between seasons.

For the previous two seasons, the series has featured mainly the same core cast and characters. Two new characters have been added to shake up the relationship dynamics.

(Nino Muñoz/Disney)

Revealing Will Trent’s State of Mind

These long hiatuses have affected primetime so much that time jumps have been written into the scripts.

At the end of Will Trent Season 2, Will disappeared, and Amanda and Faith hadn’t heard from him since.

Initially, viewers assumed he left town because of his heartbreaking breakup, but now it’s possible he could have gone undercover again.

The newest promo suggests that Amanda has to entice Will home with a critical case that affects someone he knows.

Will has been on his own for a while. Now wasn’t the best time to make him play nice with new people. He needed some time to decompress with Betty before jumping back in.

Of course, the real world doesn’t work like that, and he’ll need to save people. Marion Alba (Gina Rodriguez) is part of the new team. He just met her at the wrong time.

Adding Two New Characters Spices Up An Already Complicated Situation

As much as I like Gina Rodriguez and am excited to see her play a lawyer, I expect some backlash about her character, Marion Alba.

The Angie and Will fans are still heartbroken that their couple broke up and were hoping for reconciliation. They won’t be thrilled to see Will with another woman so soon.

However, the book diehards hoped the series would cast Sara Linton once Angie and Will broke up. Instead, they brought on this feisty and beautiful attorney for Will to butt heads with.

That’s some mess she’s walking into. On set, Gina Rodriguez appears to have become fast friends with her co-workers and fits right in with the close-knit cast.

(Gina Rodriguez/ Instagram)

It’ll be interesting to see how Marion and Will mesh on screen. He doesn’t often like working with others, and getting comfortable working with Faith took him a long time.

From the promo, Marion seems fun and keeps things low-key and flexible. Will, on the other hand, likes to stick to a routine, partly because of his neurodivergence, OCD, and dyslexia.

Then, there’s Dr. Seth McDale (Scott Foley) as Angie’s new love interest. She likely meets him on a case since he’s the head of emergency medicine at a local hospital.

This almost seems like a repeat of when Faith met a doctor and potential love interest when she was diagnosed with diabetes back in Will Trent Season 1.

(Photo by Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images)

Hopefully, the series does a better job of introducing Dr. McDale and integrating him into Angie’s life. I never imagined Angie with a doctor, but maybe he’ll be laidback enough to appreciate her fierceness and quirkiness.

She deserves a chance to be happy after everything that happened, though I fully expect chaos when the two new couples meet for the first time.

How Will Angie’s Freedom Alter Things with Will and the GBI?

The latest Will Trent promo teased Angie working with Det. Ormewood again. That could mean that Angie received a light sentence and already served during the time jump or that she was found not guilty.

Likely the second since a convicted felon wouldn’t be a detective. While it’s disappointing that the series jumped over the drama, it makes sense the third season is kicking off with a clean slate.

Erika Christensen could have rocked a darker Angie, so hopefully, there will be some flashbacks of the aftermath, and it’s not entirely glossed over.

Angie and Michael always made a delightful, dynamic duo. However, what will happen with the joint cases with the GBI now that Will has arrested Angie and ultimately wrecked their relationship?

Angie and Will have known each other since they were young. Even when they weren’t dating, they had one another’s backs. But this betrayal hurt and may hinder group cases and those entertaining scenes we’ve gotten used to.

I suspect the APD and GBI will work separately at the beginning. Things will likely be messy with Amanda and Faith siding with Will and Ormewood and the rest of the APD with Angie.

That’s disheartening since Amanda had asked Angie to join the GBI, and they had made such progress in Will Trent Season 2.

(ABC/ YouTube Screenshot)

Marion will initially assist the GBI with Atlanta gang cases, so she’ll be part of team GBI. Hopefully, she’ll help the APD later, and we can see her in scenes with the rest of the cast.

Perhaps, later in the season, Angie and Will can reconcile and return to being friends or swap partners.

Will Trent Season 3 could shake things up, develop a romantic quadrangle, and feature some intriguing cases. We can’t wait!

Over to you, Will Trent Fanatics. Do you think the new characters will shake things up and add drama?

Will Trent returns to ABC on Tuesday, January 7, 2025, at 8/7c. You can binge the first two seasons on Hulu.

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The post Will Trent Is About To Shake Things Up With Two New Characters For Season 3 appeared first on TV Fanatic.

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