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Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour Last Night: Everything That Happened

Photo: Kevin Winter/TAS24/Getty Images for TAS Rights Management

Tonight marks the end of Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour, something that has been part of the discourse since at least the 1700’s, and perhaps as early as Minoan Crete. JK, but it has been a long and winding road. While doing the Eras Tour, Swift broke up with Joe Alwyn, had a will-they-won’t-they with Travis Kelce, then went public with the very much “will” relationship, released an album, two re-records, a tour movie, and a tour book that maybe could have taken a little longer to publish. A fan died of heat exhaustion in Brazil, and days of the tour were canceled over a terrorist plot in Austria. Fans exchanged thousands of friendship bracelets, screamed to dozens of surprise songs, and convinced themselves this was the night she’d announce RepTV over and over and over again.

Here’s how much the world has chanced since Eras Tour Night 1: back in March 2023, Sabrina Carpenter and Barry Keoghan hadn’t even met yet. The Eras Tour helped launch Sabrina Carpenter into a new echelon of stardom (one with Irish boys), became a soft launch site for newly single celebs, and it made Swift a billionaire.

On Sunday night Swift said a final “So Long, London,” this time in Vancouver. “This tour has been the adventure of a lifetime, and I speak on behalf of my band, my crew, who all left their families and spent time away from everything they know and love and performed when they were sick, when anything was going on in their lives, they made sure this show happened for you,” Swift said. “We will never forget you giving us that moment.” Here’s everything that happened on the last night of the Eras Tour.

Gracie Abrams addresses the class

Opening act Gracie Abrams read her salutatorian speech as she graduated from the Eras Tour. “Like all of you, I [was] brought up with Taylor’s songs,” she read from a piece of paper. “Magically, needing a moment in my life that I didn’t think anyone else could understand or know or ached or yearned or loved or lost, and yet she did. How are we supposed to have the words for it? We don’t yet. But I do know that we have each other, thanks to Taylor, her music, her generosity, her curiosity, her wild and unparalleled pen, her super power of seeing into our lives and creating soundtracks for every single formative moment we’ve had and that we will have.”

What were the final surprise songs?

When the final Eras Tour performance began, there were only six songs that had never appeared as a surprise song: That’s When,” “Bye Bye Baby,” “Girl At Home,” “Ronan,” “Forever Winter,” “Soon You’ll Get Better.”

The first surprise song, the guitar one, was ….none of these! Swift performed “A Place in This World” from the self-titled album mashed up with “New Romantics.”

Then Taylor went to the piano and performed “Long Live,” changing the lyrics “It was the end of a decade” to “It was the end of an era.” Do you get it? Well, do you?? That song morphed into “New Years Day” off Reputation, and then “The Manuscript” from TTPD.

The audience also surprised Swift with a song of their own, singing “Happy Birthday to Taylor after “Champagne Problems.”

Any special guests?

Yes, Santa Claus! Before the show even began, Swifties were spotting Santa and one of his elves backstage.

Ahead of the TTPD section of the show, fans were wondering/hoping Post Malone would show up. But we got Jan Malone, the fan nickname for backup dancer Jan Ravnik, instead. “OMG Jan Malone!” the livestream chats erupted.

Stars in the audience

Since Vancouver is the Hollywood of Canada, of course stars were out in the audience for the final show of the Eras Tour. Aubrey Plaza was spotted early on.

Was Killatrav there?

Alas, no. Travis Kelce had a football game (boooo!) and could not attend the final Eras Tour performance. But he and his fam came to Nashville for the Swift family Thanksgiving last month, so that’s nice.

How much money did Taylor Swift make of the Eras Tour?

According to CNN, the Eras Tour will have generated over $2 billion in revenue by the end of the night. It’s not fully clear how much of that went directly into Swift’s pockets. Swift reportedly became a billionaire 7 months into the tour, however. So add another year and some change to the tour dates and, yeah, Taylor’s the man.

Please sir, I’d like some Rep (TV)

Swift got through her last Reputation set with nary a mention of the Taylor’s Version of the album. A running theme of the Eras Tour was the hope that it would be announced. But hey, there’s always Christmas?

What is next for Taylor Swift?

First and foremost, Swift’s 35th birthday is on December 13. So take a moment to celebrate that, girile. There are reports that Swift is planning an extended break after the Eras Tour, with Us Weekly speculating she won’t tour again until 2026. “Things can change. A lot of it hinges on what happens over the next year with Travis,” a source told the goss mag. “She’s told her team to give her one year to see how things go in her personal life.”


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