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Новости от TheMoneytizer

I frequently visit Las Vegas between Thanksgiving and Christmas. It's one of the best times to experience The Strip.

I'm always excited to see how Las Vegas finds new ways to dazzle and delight me in December.
  • I go to Las Vegas often, and love visiting in the weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
  • The city goes all-out with holiday decorations, especially MGM's Bellagio, which has epic displays.
  • It also has unique seasonal activities, like ice skating on a rooftop rink below fake-snow showers.

The desert seems like an unlikely place to visit for some of the best holiday displays in the country, but the Las Vegas Strip is full of surprises.

I've been on dozens of trips to Vegas, but one of my favorite times to visit is still the period between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

There's something extra special about exploring a city fully decked out in holiday cheer while daytime temperatures are still pleasantly high.

Here's why visiting Vegas during the holidays is a tradition that brings me joy each year.

Las Vegas has some of the most incredible holiday decor and displays that I've seen

MGM's Bellagio usually has some of my favorite holiday displays.

Sin City glitters year-round, but it puts its best foot forward during the holiday season with lights, trees, garlands, and more.

My favorite property this time of year is MGM's Bellagio, which typically hosts the most spectacular holiday displays.

This year, the resort's botanical gardens are running a themed exhibit called "'Twas" through January 4. Visiting felt like exploring a poem that's been brought to life.

I was mesmerized by the towering 45-foot tree dressed with over 35,000 mini LED lights and 8,700 ornaments and crowned with a glistening Swarovski star.

MGM's Bellagio has themed displays during the holiday season.

My other favorite vignettes here included a miniature train, a gilded sleigh pulled by reindeer made of botanical elements, Drum Major Dolly (the Bellagio Bear) covered in 7,500 preserved red and black roses, and a carousel of giant horses.

This year, I found another beautiful spot while having brunch at Veranda at the Four Seasons Hotel Las Vegas (housed within Mandalay Bay).

The decorated spiral staircase I found while crunching at Four Seasons Hotel Las Vegas blew me away.

I was obsessed with the space's wintery colors and dreamy grand staircase, and I hope to visit it again next year.

The city has unique festive activities

The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas has been creating an epic rooftop ice rink for years.

I never miss the ice rink at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas.

The rooftop Boulevard Pool undergoes a magical transformation into the ultimate winter wonderland featuring a 4,200-square-foot ice rink with amazing views of the Strip.

I enjoy watching classic holiday films on the 65-foot marquee, toasting s'mores over a fire pit, sipping festive cocktails at The Chalet (a reimagined mountaintop village), and watching the enchanting faux-snow showers held every half hour most evenings.

I love grabbing a cocktail at The Chalet.

If you're traveling with little ones, stop by Mandalay Bay for the Santa in the Shipwreck at Shark Reef Aquarium.

With each paid admission, children 12 and under receive a complimentary photograph with Santa Claus. He's known to put on scuba gear and plunge into the exhibit, too.

I also love getting spa treatments in Vegas, and ones with added holiday flare really get me in the spirit of the season.

Some highlights include the peppermint body polish at Voie Spa & Salon at Paris Las Vegas, and the wintery massage at The Spa at Flamingo Las Vegas that uses notes of cinnamon, pine, and clove.

Vegas also has tons of places for holiday shopping

The Forum Shops at Caesars gets festively decorated for the holidays.

Las Vegas has some of the best shopping in the country, with mainstream retailers and designer brands aplenty.

I found no shortage of holiday cheer at The Forum Shops at Caesars, where over 150 retail stores featured Black Friday sales against a backdrop of seasonally decorated statues and columns.

The Miracle Mile Shops at Planet Hollywood also have over 150 shops offering sales all month long.

When I visit Vegas around the holidays, I even pack an extra tote bag, so I have room to fly my new purchases home.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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