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This amount of dark chocolate daily could reduce diabetes risk, study finds

Is chocolate the newest health food

Well, not exactly — but in what may seem like a surprising result, a new study has found that eating dark chocolate every day could reduce the risk of developing diabetes.

The study, led by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, looked at more than 111,000 participants from three large cohorts, none of whom had diabetes, cardiovascular disease or cancer.

The participants self-reported their dark chocolate consumption and diabetes status.


Those who ate five or more weekly servings of any type of chocolate showed a 10% lower rate of type 2 diabetes compared to those who never or rarely consumed it, according to the study findings in The British Medical Journal (BMJ).

Among those who consumed five or more servings of dark chocolate, the diabetes risk was 21% lower.

For each weekly serving of dark chocolate, the risk was reduced by 3%.

Binkai Liu, a Harvard doctoral student who led the research, noted that the study suggests that flavonoid-rich foods, like dark chocolate, may have potential metabolic benefits. 

"It is important to note that the type of chocolate matters, as milk chocolate did not show the same benefits," Liu told Fox News Digital.

The stark difference between dark and milk chocolate was surprising to the researcher.


"Dark chocolate appeared to offer protective effects against type 2 diabetes, likely due to its high cocoa content and flavonoid levels, while milk chocolate — with its added sugar and lower cocoa content — seemed to contribute to weight gain instead," she said.

Tanya Freirich, a registered dietitian nutritionist in Charlotte, North Carolina, who practices as The Lupus Dietitian, noted that the flavanols in dark chocolate are key to its benefits, as they are "very anti-inflammatory."

"I agree that the antioxidant and vasodilation benefits from flavanols can reduce the risk of diabetes," she told Fox News Digital.

"Antioxidant, antiinflammatory and vasodilation benefits from flavanols help improve our cardiovascular and metabolic health," she told Fox News Digital. 

"Because diabetes is a metabolic disease, anything reducing our inflammation will be helpful."

The flavanols in cocoa can also stimulate nitric oxide production, which can help to dilate blood vessels and potentially lower blood pressure, according to New Jersey-based registered dietitian Erin Palinski-Wade.

The research, which was funded by the National Institutes of Health, did have some limitations, Liu noted.

An observational study like this one, she said, does not establish causation, but only associations. 

"There is always a possibility of residual confounding, even though we accounted for many dietary and lifestyle factors," she said.

"Additionally, the study participants were predominantly older adults and non-Hispanic, so the findings may not be fully generalizable to younger and more diverse populations."

Palinski-Wade added that other lifestyle behaviors may also contribute to the reduced risk. 

"For instance, it is possible that people who choose dark chocolate are already looking to reduce added sugar in other areas of their diet and are using dark chocolate to indulge their sweet tooth versus other forms of sweet treats."

Based on the study findings, Liu would recommend enjoying dark chocolate as an occasional treat, but she emphasized that moderation is key. 

"Any chocolate, including dark chocolate, is calorie-dense, and can contribute to weight gain if overconsumed," she cautioned. 

"The message is about balance and mindful choices, not indulgence without limits."


Consuming about 1 ounce of dark chocolate a few times a week may be a good way to incorporate the treat into a healthy, balanced diet, Liu advised. 

"It's also important not to view dark chocolate as the ‘silver bullet,’" she added. "Overall dietary patterns and lifestyle choices play a much larger role in long-term health."

Freirich agreed, noting that "dark chocolate won't undo the damage of a lot of fast food, or habits like smoking or a sedentary lifestyle."

"Overall, you should still aim to consume mostly unprocessed foods, not too much sugar, lots of water, and plant foods like vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds and fruits," she advised. 

For more Health articles, visit www.foxnews.com/health

Freirich added that it’s important to discuss your personal health history and disease risk with a doctor, who can refer you to a registered dietitian for personalized nutrition advice.

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