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Ethan Hawke Stars in ‘Snow Goose’ Revival: Haider Ackermann’s Debut at Canada Goose

This May, Canada Goose sent shockwaves through the fashion world when it appointed designer Haider Ackermann as its first creative director. Accompanied by a limited-edition link up with Jane Fonda, the launch promised a stylish shakeup for the icy outwear brand. Now, the moment has come: under the moniker ‘Snow Goose’ — a title revived from the brand’s earlier days — Ackermann announces his debut collection for Canada Goose.

“Nature is an escape for me,” Ackermann says of the collection. “I find peace with myself and am most inspired after I’ve been surrounded by endless landscapes, vast mountains and the deep ocean. That type of recharge is an unlock.”

Ethan Hawke Stars in ‘Snow Goose’ Revival: Haider Ackermann’s Debut at Canada Goose

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Photos by Willy Vanderperre.

Ethan Hawke Stars in ‘Snow Goose’ Revival: Haider Ackermann’s Debut at Canada Goose

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Photos by Willy Vanderperre.

Ethan Hawke Stars in ‘Snow Goose’ Revival: Haider Ackermann’s Debut at Canada Goose

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Photos by Willy Vanderperre.

Ethan Hawke Stars in ‘Snow Goose’ Revival: Haider Ackermann’s Debut at Canada Goose

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Photos by Willy Vanderperre.

The French designer makes his point through clothing. Earthy browns and bony-white creams mix with stony grey shades. Meanwhile, playful hues — electric pink blush, aqua mint — act like wildflowers on a mountain, infusing a flash of natural vibrance. Even the names reveal Ackermann’s environmental inclinations; charming titles (Arctic Socks, Chinook Hybridge, Squall Pants, and Ridge Pants) adorn the capsule.

For Ackermann, working on ‘Snow Goose’ was a way to share his passion for the outdoors. “I want people to experience that same sense of freedom,” explains the designer. Though his resume reflects a more cosmopolitan clientele — Ackermann also became the Creative Director of Tom Ford this year — his arrival at Canada Goose coincides with a period of change for both parties. “I consider myself a student of the environment and my trip to Churchill [Manitoba] lit a fire to do more,” Ackermann said in May; a fitting sentiment for his upcoming tenure at Canada Goose.

Since it first broke into the mainstream, Canada Goose gained recognition for its function-first charm: robust jackets and puffy parkas, packed to the limit with warm down. Upon release, the brand spread its wings almost as quickly as its avian namesake; garments flew off shelves in droves, lauded for their protective layers and well-insulated interiors. Yet these compliments focus on design utility as opposed to aesthetic appeal. With today’s stylish iterations, however, Canada Goose challenges that perception.

Last year, a string of collaborative capsules hinted at the label’s metamorphosis. First, the outerwear enterprise tapped designer Rok Hwang and artist Matt McCormick for a ready-to-wear capsule; the trio incorporated sleek tailoring and bold graphics onto durable, eco-friendly fabrics. Just a few months later, Canada Goose teamed up with October’s Very Own to launch a slew of jackets and knitwear. Canada Goose CEO Dani Reiss seemed to double down on the marque’s ready-to-wear focus in 2024, noting Ackermann’s “marriage of craftsmanship and beauty.”

That said, the Snow Goose collection remains fiercely loyal to its ‘heritage’ title. To design the 60-piece collection, Ackermann dove into the brand’s archive, taking inspiration from almost seven decades of Canada Goose silhouettes. The result? A refreshing blend between valued tradition and modern technology. Staples like the Verve Jacket — a sleek, straight-lined silhouette offered moody ash or iris haze — capture the spirit, mixing form with function.

Actor-director Ethan Hawke — who also happens to be a SHARP cover alum — stars in the dazzling Fall/Winter campaign alongside model Julia Nobis. The looks, shot by Willy Vanderperre, emphasize the vast countrysides of Canada; a variety of models accentuate the versatility of each design, while striking landscapes highlight the outerwear’s electric, earthy palette.

Ethan Hawke Stars in ‘Snow Goose’ Revival: Haider Ackermann’s Debut at Canada Goose

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Photo by Willy Vanderperre.

Ethan Hawke Stars in ‘Snow Goose’ Revival: Haider Ackermann’s Debut at Canada Goose

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Photo by Willy Vanderperre.

Ethan Hawke Stars in ‘Snow Goose’ Revival: Haider Ackermann’s Debut at Canada Goose

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Photo by Willy Vanderperre.

An eccentric showcase of skateboarders, costume designers, and athletes colour the campaign. With a rich, varied range of talent, the looks mirror our planet’s biodiversity. Individuality flourishes in a group setting. “Human creativity is nature manifest in us,” says Ethan Hawke. “We are nature, and what we do is nature.”

Hawke’s words cut straight to the heart of Ackermann’s work: when we protect the environment, we honour those we share it with. “When you look at the stars or you look at the ocean, you’d think it would make you feel small and insignificant,” says the actor. “Instead, it just relaxes your shoulders.”

Haider Ackermann’s Snow Goose collection is now available at Canada Goose, in stores and online.

The post Ethan Hawke Stars in ‘Snow Goose’ Revival: Haider Ackermann’s Debut at Canada Goose appeared first on Sharp Magazine.

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