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Peace and Sport unites the Sports world in Monaco to ‘Speak Your Peace’

The universal values of peace through sports were in the spotlight  in Monaco in presence of Champions and high- level governance leaders from the sports world with a common goal of underlining the ability of sport to transmit a culture of peace to younger generations in a tense geopolitical context.

4th dec 2024 : Under the title “Speak your Peace”, the 14th Peace and Sport International Forum concluded a year in which Peace and Sport has emphasized the pivotal role of athletes and encouraged everyone to join them in speaking up for peace through sport. The day was articulated around 3 events, The International Forum, The Peace Walk, the Peace and Sport awards.

Joël Bouzou, President and Founder of Peace and Sport, said: “For 17 years, Peace and Sport has been driving to integrate the universal values of peace into sports, it is important now to clearly put sports into peace.”

The International Forum

In an exclusive high-level TV format, Leaders and Champions shared high-level testimonies, reflecting on Peace and Sport’s recommendations to develop the intentional use of sport to transmit the values of peace worldwide.

Expert speakers on 3 key themes illustrating peace through sport

  • Shaping minds through sport

This session looked at the current landscape of sport used as a tool to build a culture of peace. After examining its current role in programs and policies aimed at transmitting peace values, the discussions will highlight existing investment systems and key recommendations.

  • Driving inclusion

This session focused on the power of sport for living together, as a lever for the inclusion of girls, women and young people. The discussion will cover diverse perspectives, including the importance of early investment in sport for girls and the role of inspirational role models. The discussion aims to move from vision to action, showing how sport promotes equality and builds stronger, more inclusive communities.

  • Teaming up with Champions for Peace

This session highlighted the power of sport for living together, as a lever for the inclusion of girls, women and young people. The discussion covered diverse perspectives, including the importance of early investment in sport for girls and the role of inspirational role models. The discussion aims to move from vision to action, showing how sport promotes equality and builds stronger, more inclusive communities.

Concrete actions and recommendations to conclude

All participants joined Peace and Sport’s appeal to international leaders to actively deploy the intentional use of sport as a tool for transmitting values of peace.

The Recommendations

  • Making sport a priority – Governments to convert vision into action by investing in training for educators and in programmes designed to transmit values through sport.
  • Enhancing local capacity – Public and sport authorities to recognise peace educators as qualified and employable personnel.
  • Clustering and sharing ressources –  Public and private stakeholders to strengthen their coordination and ensure the effective use of funds allocated to peace through sport initiatives.
  • Evaluating the impact of programs – Public and private donors and investors to finance the implementation of impact studies at community level focusing on a long-term vision and on the impact criteria which add the qualitative to the quantitative.
  • Developing a holistic approach – Public authorities to create dedicated offices ensuring coordination among the various sectors involved in implementing transversal programs, taking an inter-ministerial approach.
  • Mentoring Atheletes – Sports authorities to provide trainings on athletes’ social impact and offer them platforms for action and expression.
  • Scaling up – Public and private stakeholders to prioritise support for the scaling up of high-impact programmes.

 The Peace Walk

Following the high level discussions at the forum, all participants attended the Peace Walk. Starting from the square at the Prince’s Palace in Monaco and ending at the Oceanographic Museum, the venue for the prestigious Peace and Sport Awards ceremony.

This initiative was led by the Champions of Peace, institutional representatives, policymakers, and inspiring figures who embody the values upheld by the Organization: Neutrality, Resilience, Inclusion, Independence, Equity, and Dialogue.

PHOTO (One for each pillar – Forum / Walk / Awards)

The Peace and Sport Awards

The Peace and Sport Awards were established in 2008 to recognize individuals and organizations that have made remarkable efforts towards promoting peace, social stability, and dialogue through sports. The winners have initiated programs ranging from specific field programs to global initiatives that embody the power of sports to bring together divided or opposed communities. In 2024, the Peace and Sport Awards will showcase the best practices that can inspire local, regional, and international stakeholders to understand the potential of sports to achieve global peace. 

  • Peace Education Through Sport : Independiente del Valle
  • Empowerment Through Sport : Lighthouse Relief
  • Diplomatic Action of the Year : Winds of Change
  • Coalitions for Peace through Sport : FIA
  • Game Changers for Peace : Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Sporting Authorities
  • Champion of the Year : Sifan Hassan
  • Person of the Year : Tony Estanguet

All pictures – https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VasHghFADTO8YiHc2v3j

About Peace and Sport

Peace and Sport is an international, neutral, and independent organization created in 2007 by Olympic Medalist and World Champion in Modern Pentathlon, Joël Bouzou. It operates under the High Patronage of H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco and is rooted in the neutrality of the Principality. Peace and Sport was founded on the belief that sport is a powerful tool for bringing people together and overcoming differences. The organization calls on international decision-makers to intentionally use sport as a means of transmitting values for peace, relying on its universality, role models, and trained grassroots actors to meet daily challenges.


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