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10 Tropical Rom Coms to Ease Your Winter Blues

It sucks to be stuck in that long winter funk where the sun sets way too early and wearing three layers is still somehow not enough.

But instead of doom-scrolling through yet another weather forecast predicting snow, why not escape to paradise through your TV screen? From sandy beaches to sweet love stories, here are 10 tropical romantic comedies that’ll take you to gorgeous locations and have you feeling warmer in no time. 

Couples Retreat (2009)

Universal Pictures

Four stressed-out couples head to a luxury resort in Bora Bora thinking they’re in for a week of fruity drinks and spa treatments.  But turns out they’re actually at a mandatory couples therapy program – complete with shark-filled relationship exercises and a completely unhinged yoga instructor. The crystal-clear waters and overwater bungalows serve as an inviting backdrop as the ensemble cast bumbles their way through paradise. 

Resort to Love (2021)


What’s worse than running into your ex? Running into them at a gorgeous Caribbean resort where you’re the wedding singer for their wedding. That’s exactly the mess Christina Milian finds herself in, serving up vocals and emotional breakdowns against the backdrop of a stunning Mauritius resort. Between the pristine beaches and lush mountains, the movie’s setting feels a lot like an Instagram feed coming to life.

50 First Dates (2004)

Sony Pictures

Only Adam Sandler could make “groundhog day but make it romance” work in Hawaii. Set on Oahu’s North Shore, this sweet story about a guy trying to win over a girl with short-term memory loss somehow makes pineapple plantations and sealife parks look like the most romantic spots on Earth. The local breakfast joint where they meet daily should honestly have its own tourism campaign by now.

Six Days, Seven Nights (1998)

Buena Vista

What happens when you strand a grumpy pilot and a magazine editor on a stunning deserted island in the South Pacific? A whole lot of bickering, pirates (yes, really), and eventually romance. The movie basically turned the entire island of Kauai into a screensaver, with those dramatic cliffs and secret beaches making even crash landing look appealing.

Aloha (2015)

Sony Pictures

In Aloha, a military contractor meets an old flame under the Hawaiian sun – and there’s also some stuff about space that honestly nobody really understood. But still, the movie gives us gorgeous shots of both modern and traditional Hawaii, from sacred valleys to military bases. The scenery is so pretty that you won’t even care that the plot makes about as much sense as putting pineapple on pizza.

How Stella Got Her Groove Back (1998)

20th Century Fox

High-powered stockbroker Stella jets off to Jamaica for a much-needed vacation and finds way more than just relaxation. The movie serves up dreamy shots of Montego Bay that’ll have you checking flight prices faster than you can say “age gap romance.” Between the beachfront resorts and local hotspots, Jamaica essentially becomes its own character in the best possible way.

The Lost City (2022)

Paramount Pictures

Sandra Bullock is a romance novelist who gets kidnapped and dragged through the Dominican Republic jungle while her himbo cover model, Channing Tatum, tries to rescue her. Sure, there’s treasure hunting and bad guys, but the real star is the gorgeous tropical scenery that somehow makes running for your life in a sparkly jumpsuit look appealing. The lush rainforests and hidden caves might convince you that maybe getting kidnapped isn’t the worst vacation plan.

Just Go With It (2011)

Sony Pictures

Only in Hawaii could pretending your assistant is your ex-wife while trying to woo someone else seem like a totally reasonable plan. The movie turns Maui into the world’s most expensive backdrop for elaborate lies, with the Grand Wailea resort making every ridiculous scene look like a luxury travel ad. Even the kids’ coconut-catching contest looks fancy here.

Mother of the Bride (2023)


Nothing says “complicated family dynamics” quite like a destination wedding in Thailand’s stunning Phuket. Between the beachfront ceremony planning and tense mother-daughter bonding, the movie showcases every inch of paradise from pristine beaches to vibrant markets and ornate temples. The emerald waters of the Andaman Sea and swaying palm trees somehow make family drama look downright glamorous. Who knew passive-aggressive wedding planning could look this good?

Anyone But You (2023)

Sony Pictures

Two people who hate each other pretend to date at a wedding in Australia because apparently that’s easier than just saying “no” to an invitation. Sydney’s harbors and beaches make the perfect backdrop for enemies-to-lovers shenanigans, while trips to places like Bondi Beach and Hamilton Island serve up serious travel envy. Even their awkward fake PDA looks glamorous against those Aussie sunsets.

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