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I’m a normal mum but make X-rated vids while the kids are at school – it brings in £50K & the hubby loves it too

DROPPING her son at school, Jess Miller is well aware of the stares and whispers from other parents in the playground.

That’s because many of them have seen her naked as Jess, 35, and her husband Mike, 36, make extortionate amounts of money filming themselves having sex and sharing the videos online.

Jess and Mike Miller make up to £50k a month with their adult content which saw them quit their ‘day’ jobs
Once the kids are out of the house they film themselves having sex but Mike says they never share footage if either of them are in ‘bad moods’[/caption]

Their sex sessions – which involves having sex once a day, four days a week in different places around their home in Southend – make them a staggering £50k a month.

Their sexy snaps and saucy videos have built up a following of 900,000 loyal fans online who pay £7.90 a month to see their content.

Jess, who has a son, 11, with Mike, and a 15-year-old daughter from a previous relationship, says:

“It never gets boring for us. We’re just doing what we normally would but filming it. A lot of people who watch us say it’s nice to see real love.

“We would never film if we didn’t feel like it – it’s how we balance personal time and work.

“A lot of people who watch us say it’s nice to see real love.  

“We put a camera in the room and people can see what it’s really like when we have sex.

“We’ve done everything from threesomes to just tickling each other on camera.”

Jess and Mike started filming their romps six years ago – uploading footage to adult sites including OnlyFans to earn extra cash and help cover their mortgage repayments.

The couple – who have been together 12 years – kept their antics a secret until February 2020 when someone told Jess’ friend they’d seen the pair having sex online.

That’s when the couple came clean and confessed to their friends and family.

But they say they’ve received a mostly positive response.

They started off earning £2,000-a-month but by September 2019 they were making enough to quit their jobs, Jess as as a semi-permanent make-up artist and a Mike, as a personal trainer.

That was when they started romping full time.

Jess says say they even get other parents asking them about their business at the school gates and asking how they got started, how much money they make and even if they still enjoy sex off camera to which they respond “open and honestly”.

I get to have sex with my wife every day and love life – and I get paid for it.

Mike Miller

Mike says: “All the parents at school know what we do and people like to ask questions about how we got started doing it and even ask us how much we make.

“Jess and I don’t mind – we love people asking respectful questions because we love what we do.

“I get to have sex with my wife every day and love life and get paid for it.

“It’s great and made us stronger as a couple.”

Mike and Jess first met in August 2012 when he worked as a personal trainer at the gym she attended.

Mike asked her on a date to Thorpe Park theme park in October 2012 and they became a couple on the same day after their first kiss confirmed that Jess was ‘the one’.

The feeling was reciprocal, says Jess: “When I first saw Mike I thought: ‘How have they got someone so fit working at the gym?'”

The couple had to come clean when a friend asked if Jess was a ‘porn star’ after videos of them having sex were spotted online[/caption]
The couple have only told their children what’s ‘appropriate’ about their line of work[/caption]

After hitting it off the couple married in June 2017, and the couple started posting their saucy videos on Pornhub 18 month later.

“I had seen that one adult site would pay based on how well your videos did,” Mike says.

“We were struggling to have quality time together because we were stressed with our businesses so I thought this might be a great side hustle for us.”

“As soon as he suggested it, I said yes straight away,” Jess adds.

It was in February 2020 when the couple were rumbled.

Jess says: “My friend messaged me asking if I was a porn star and my heart sank as I didn’t know how she knew.

“So, I told my mum from there and she was really chilled about it.

“All our families care about is that we are happily married and that we love each other.”

What is OnlyFans?

OnlyFans is a subscription content service based in London.

As of 2023, it is thought to have more than 220million registered users and over three million content creators.

Sex workers charge monthly fees for access to pictures, videos and more.

While popular for porn, the site isn’t exclusively designed with that in mind – anyone who wants to build up a fan base and charge them for it can set one up.

Celebs like Katie Price and Kerry Katona are popular personalities on the platform.

“Whether you’re uploading tutorials, tips, behind-the-scenes footage or just endless selfies, a lot of your followers would be willing to pay for them,” the company states.

For every subscription that’s sold to a viewer, performers get 80 per cent of the cash while OnlyFans gets the rest.

It isn’t limited to adult content, as it has become popular with physical fitness experts and musicians.

In June 2020, they confessed to their children what they did for a living, telling them, “mum and dad take sexy pictures and post them online”.

Now, the couple get requests from subscribers, plan their content each week and say it has also improved their relationship and brought them closer together.

“We’re both very driven people and proud of the following we’ve built up.” Mike says.

“Living and working together as a married couple comes with its challenges but we don’t film if we’re in a bad mood because everything we put out there is natural.

It’s brought us closer together and our bond is stronger than it’s ever been.

Jess Miller

“But it does pay to be in a good mood.”

Jess adds: “People like to watch us too because we’re a real couple and tell us it’s even saved their relationship – it’s done wonders for our relationship too.

“It’s brought us closer together and our bond is stronger than it’s ever been.  

“It’s made our relationship even better, it’s stronger than ever.”

They have had parents at the school gates quiz them about their jobs[/caption]
The couple say that making adult content together has brought them closer and subscribers like watching ‘real love’[/caption]

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