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‘I had a guy that only went to Porsche for oil changes come into Valvoline with a stripped plug’: Audi mechanic issues warning about Jiffy Lube. What are the pros and cons?

When one is looking for an auto mechanic, it can be tempting to simply roll into one of the many popular auto repair chains that populate cities across the country.

However, while service at some of these establishments can be good, others have customers driving away with more problems than before. For example, one Hyundai driver claimed that a trip to Jiffy Lube left him with $11,000 of damage to his vehicle. Another former worker at a similar chain alleged that he was repeatedly pushed to sell customers products they likely didn’t need.

Now, an Audi mechanic says he’s dealing with an issue with a customer’s car after they took the vehicle to a quick-service oil change location.

What did this quick-service oil change shop allegedly do to this car?

In a video with over 396,000 views, TikTok user @twistedtea..enthusiast shows the underside of a car. He appears to be attempting to remove the oil drain plug.

However, no matter how many times he turns his socket wrench, the oil drain plug will not unscrew. This likely means that whoever worked on the car last stripped the plug.

“‘But jiffy lube is cheaper,’” the TikToker writes in the text overlaying the video, implying that the chain or a similar business were the people who caused the problem.

A stripped oil drain plug can happen for a variety of reasons. First, a mechanic could have used the wrong size bit to try to tighten or loosen the plug, causing the threads to wear away. Alternatively, a mechanic could have used the correct size of bit but overtightened the plug, resulting in a similar outcome.

While this situation is not ideal, there are several actions a car owner can take if their oil drain plug is stripped. These actions include, per AutoZone, rethreading the plug, using an oversized drain plug, replacing the oil pan, and more.

What are the pros and cons of Jiffy Lube?

Whether going to one of these quick-service oil change shops is a good idea in the first place is a matter of opinion. Though the convenience and speed are often a draw, many customers suggest local shops instead.

Internet discussions on the topic are divided, with some saying that these chains are good for small problems and can offer great deals, while others claim that poor service and a tendency to upsell make them spots to avoid.

That said, there was a general consensus that service can vary from location to location, so if one is interested in going to one of these shops, they should read reviews in order to ensure they're getting the best service possible.


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Commenters share their thoughts

In the comments section, users detailed their mixed experiences with auto mechanics, with many claiming that they’ve had poor service at both high-end dealerships and chain auto shops.

“I had a guy that only went to Porsche for oil changes come into Valvoline with a stripped plug,” recalled one user who claims to be a Valvoline mechanic. “He didn’t believe me that I didn’t touch it and Porsche did it.” 

“Well the Alfa Romeo dealership stripped my screws soooooo…it happens everywhere lol,” echoed a driver.

“Fiance took her car to Discount Tire for a rotation, they crossthreaded nearly every stud and rounded the hell out of the lugs,” alleged a third. “You get what you pay for.”

The Daily Dot reached out to Jiffy Lube via email and @twistedtea..enthusiast via TikTok DM and comment.

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The post ‘I had a guy that only went to Porsche for oil changes come into Valvoline with a stripped plug’: Audi mechanic issues warning about Jiffy Lube. What are the pros and cons? appeared first on The Daily Dot.

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