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Getting your child a smartphone or tablet for Christmas? Here’s what you need to know about security


Smartphones – or other devices, such as tablets – are likely to be high on many children and teenagers’ wish lists this festive season. It’s a gift that parents may be apprehensive about giving. Many people have concerns about their children spending too much time in front of a screen as well as the impact of social media on their mental health and their online safety.

But while potential risks exist, smartphone use can bring many benefits for young people. Smartphones can help maintain connections with remote family members, build connections with communities that are meaningful to them, or bridge social gaps for those living in rural areas.

With the right tools and guidance, a smartphone can be a positive part of your child’s life. But that means being proactive about their security online.

A new smartphone with basic call and messaging functions, YouTube Kids, a video calling app to speak to family members and a well-managed contact list presents far less risk than a hand-me-down device full of social media and communication apps without any restrictions. So if you’re planning to pass on an old phone to a child, make sure it is factory reset first.

Good cybersecurity practices are vital for both you and your children. Help your children build good habits by protecting their device and apps with strong passwords or biometric security – fingerprints or facial recognition. This will help young people learn that their information and privacy are important and need protection.

Smartphones and tablets have tools installed that can help parents manage their children’s online interactions. What you can do will differ depending on what operating system the phone uses. I will use examples from Apple and Android – the “big two” – here.

For Apple devices (iOS), Apple’s Screen Time allows you to set content restrictions, app limits – restrictions on the time that can be spent on an app – and downtime schedules: periods of time when apps and notifications are blocked.

It also allows you to monitor your child’s usage and approve app downloads, and provides tools to filter content when they browsing. And you can protect the settings with a passcode to make sure an enterprising teen isn’t tempted to tamper with them.

Phones come with tools to help keep children safe online. Viktoriia Lomtieva/Shutterstock

There are very similar features on Android devices. Google Family Link enables you to manage apps, set screen time limits, and locate your child’s device. It can also provide activity reports to monitor usage. As with Apple Screen Time, you can also use this to set up filters to control access to inappropriate website and block upsetting content.

It is also possible to set up remote access to these features so you don’t need access to your child’s device to manage their use of it.

Manage social media

If you decide it is appropriate for your child to use social media, a number of the major platforms provide features to either restrict content or to involve you in your child’s social media interactions.

YouTube Kids provides a safer environment for children to explore videos. It features parental controls to set time limits and content restrictions. It also offers a curated selection of age-appropriate content, making it a better option for younger children.

TikTok Family Pairing allows parents to link their account to their teen’s to manage screen time and content restrictions as well as allowing access to direct messages. It also offers features to limit who can comment on videos.

Instagram has recently added a similar system, Teen Accounts. This enhances safety for users under 18 by setting accounts to private by default, restricting messaging to followers, and limiting exposure to sensitive content. It includes tools that allow parents to monitor message activity, set time limits, and manage app usage during specific hours.

Balance security and privacy

There are also a number of other apps and systems available to buy that offer increased monitoring. This includes allowing parents to see exactly what their child is seeing and to block certain types of content.

Some of these apps offer useful tools. But it’s important to bear in mind that some of them tend to blur the line between parental concern and children’s right to privacy. While it might be reassuring in some way to be able to see all of your child’s messages, it’s worth considering whether this is really keeping them safe or just letting them know they’re being watched.

Other tools can track a child’s device. Apple offer Find My and Android has Find My Device. Some families make use of this together in an open and transparent way. But it might be tempting to use it as a tool for discipline and surveillance, which does little to build relationships based on trust. And you should bear in mind it does not tell you where your child is, just the location of their phone.

Tools for online safety may become restrictive and less helpful as a child gets older. It is important to regularly review with your children to make sure both you and they are comfortable with the rules. And think about your own phone usage – you can be a role model by keeping an eye on your own screen time.

Security tools can be helpful when used in an age-appropriate manner, but they are not foolproof.

My research with young people about online safety has continually shown that open communication and non-judgemental conversations are more important than any tools. Speak to your children about their online experiences. Most importantly, make sure they know that they can come to you if they encounter something uncomfortable or unsafe without fear of punishment.

Andy Phippen does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

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