I'm really sorry for such a late update, been working the past couple days, am a little sleep deprived at the moment, and IMGUR has not been working on my phone so I haven't been able to link any of my screenshots here in a way where they'd be accessible for very long. Gonna get started though, so here we go!GAME #40 - Wild Guns - CompletedThis is honestly a game I would have never played if it weren't for this challenge, despite me hearing so many good things about it for so many years. It makes for another reason why I'm glad that I decided to partake in this challenge though. This game is amazing. Seriously. It is such a great game. I don't think it's underrated, but if it is, it's on SNES Online and it is definitely worth a shot.It's difficult, I won't deny that, but the controls are so smooth and consistent. The jumping, the firing. It took me a little bit to get used to the controls exactly, but once I did, it was a pretty addicting experience dodging the gunfire and blasting off...