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‘Vindication’: QAnon believers erupting in joy over Kash Patel as FBI director

President-elect Donald Trump's decision to nominate Kash Patel for FBI director is being widely celebrated by conservatives, none more so than supporters of the QAnon conspiracy theory.

Following Trump's announcement on Saturday, believers in QAnon, the conspiracy theory that claims the president-elect has been waging a secret, years-long battle against a cabal of child-eating liberal pedophiles, began cheering across social media.

Over on Truth Social, QAnon fans applauded a biblical-style judgment day against Trump's enemies once Patel takes over the bureau.

"Kash is coming, and he's bringing hell with him !!!" the user @QBeliever3 wrote. "GAME OVER. Q."

Q refers to the anonymous figure or figures who began posting cryptic and often failed predictions to image boards such as 4chan in 2017. Followers believe Q represents a team of high-level government insiders who will save the country by imprisoning and executing anyone opposed to Trump in an event referred to as "The Storm."

Patel has repeatedly played into the conspiracy theory by making references to Q on Truth Social, leading conspiracy theorists to cite his posts as evidence for their beliefs.


The popular QAnon promoter known as Shadow of Ezra also used the announcement to highlight previous remarks from Patel in which he spoke approvingly of Q.

"Kash Patel has openly praised Q, highlighting the positive aspects and urging all Patriots to unite," the user wrote. "He took it a step further by acknowledging that Q has been right on numerous occasions and deserves credit for sparking the massive movement known as the Great Awakening. Picture an FBI Director who sees the Q movement in a positive light."


The pro-QAnon forum known as The Great Awakening was similarly inundated with praise for Patel.

In one instance, a user begged for anyone listening to ensure that Patel's nomination would lead to mass arrests across the globe.

"Please, please don’t let the American people down as well of citizens around the world that are watching their own countries be systematically destroyed by these globalists," the user said. "Once the arrests start in America, the public will turn worldwide against them in their own countries as their crimes are exposed."

One user called it "vindication."

"Vindication! For those that lost family, lost friends, lost colleagues and partners: Today you can weep, just a little and be grateful that you were on the right side of history. HISTORY is being made. You are the saviors of mankind," they wrote.

Over on the alternative media outlet Gab, users also pointed out Patel's connections to the QAnon movement.

"The most powerful law enforcement apparatus in the world has slipped out of the hands of the people whose crimes it was created to cover up… and into the hands of a President the deep state tried to impeach & assassinate… and also the hands of a man who praised the Q movement," the user said.

Yet, as usual, QAnon followers appear unaware of how the nomination process works. For starters, current FBI director Christopher Wray would either have to step down or be fired for Patel to take the role.

Even then, Patel has to be confirmed by the U.S. Senate. And given his conspiratorial views, it may not be as easy as some Trump fans believe.

Regardless of what happens, there's no doubt that conspiracy theorists will say it was all predicted by Q ahead of time.

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The post ‘Vindication’: QAnon believers erupting in joy over Kash Patel as FBI director appeared first on The Daily Dot.

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