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Donald Trump WILL go to UK for State Visit – he loves Royal Family but protests will be rife, experts say

DONALD Trump will come to the UK for a State Visit and loves the Royal Family – but there will be protests, claimed royal experts.

The former US president is set to be inaugurated once again in January after winning in the Elections last month.

Royal experts claim Donald Trump will be invited to the UK for a State Visit[/caption]
Trump is said to have “enormous respect” for the Royal Family[/caption]
The Sun's Royal Exclusive
The Sun’s photographer told The Royal Exclusive show there would be ‘protests’[/caption]

Trump was famously fond of the late Queen Elizabeth, and the then Prince Charles, during his first presidency.

He is said to have “enormous respect” for the Royal Family and “adored” the late Monarch.

The Sun’s Royal Photographer Arthur Edwards and Sky Royal Correspondent Rhiannon Mills spoke to The Sun’s Royal Editor Matt Wilkinson about another State Visit.

Speaking on The Sun’s Royal Exclusive show, Mr Edwards said: “He loves it here, he loved our late Queen, he mentioned it many times, the fact his mother was from Scotland he might well do that.

“And he’s got a couple of golf courses here.”

Ms Mills continued: “The State Visits are seen as the biggest diplomatic pat on the back that the UK can give to anybody, which is why I think as soon as we have an inauguration for Donald Trump the chatter will be about when is he coming over for a State Visit.”

“The Royal Family is just an amazing gift for our government in terms of maintaining relationships. Whatever people think about Donald Trump he did seem to get on well with the then Prince Charles despite their different views.

“It’s about the office, it’s not about the man.”

Mr Edwards added: “He was elected. If he comes over here we have to give him a welcome. As you say there will be protests…but that’s because we live in a country where you can protest, whereas in Russia you go to prison.

“It’s a great country to live in.”

It comes as another expert claimed King Charles and Trump will disagree on several points should they meet for a State Visit.

Journalist Chris Ship said on The Sun’s Royal Exclusive show: “He has met them [Charles and William] before and I think the key point will be on a state visit, when he gets an invitation to come [to the US].

“I think he really did adore Queen Elizabeth. The problem he is going to have with King Charles is on policy.

“There’s a president who wants to in his words ‘drill, drill, drill’, and a King who is a very keen environmentalist worried about sustainability and climate change.

The Sun's Royal Exclusive
Royal experts believe Trump and King Charles will hold a State Visit despite disagreeing on several points[/caption]
Trump and the The Prince of Wales inspecting the Guard of Honour during a Ceremonial Welcome at Buckingham Palace in 2019[/caption]
The Sun's Royal Exclusive
Sky Royal Correspondent Rhiannon Mills spoke to The Sun’s Royal Editor Matt Wilkinson[/caption]

Donald Trump is HUGE fan of King Charles – he’ll visit US with Queen and Americans will love it

By Matt Wilkinson and Summer Raemason

Donald Trump is HUGE fan of King Charles – he’ll visit US with Queen and Americans will love it

King Charles would be extremely popular if he took a trip across the pond, claimed royal author Phil Dampier.

Speaking on The Sun’s Royal Exclusive show, Mr Dampier outlined how successful His Majesty’s Australia tour was last month.

He continued: “I would have thought a trip to the States would be a great thing as well.

“Whoever gets in… Trump seems to be very fond of the King. Obviously he’d like to have him.

“That would be enormous, if the King and Queen went to America.

“They’ve got to pace themselves, it depends on how well he is. I imagine the next place will be Canada.

“I’m sure that will be next, he loves Canada.”

Buckingham Palace has given the green light for the couple to embark on two major tours in 2025 after describing Australia and Samoa as “the perfect tonic” for raising the King’s spirit.

His cancer treatment – which was paused during the trip – will continue.

The Sun can reveal Italy has been earmarked as one of the trips.

It is expected the King and Queen will visit Rome but it is not thought they will have face-to-face with the Pope in Vatican City.

Italy was set to be Kate and William’s first joint excursion after becoming Prince and Princess of Wales last Spring.

But it was cancelled after Kate, 42, was diagnosed with cancer.

Palace sources insist the trip to Italy has not yet been finalised or officially confirmed.

“That is not one of Donald Trump’s priorities.”

Trump has already vowed to pull America out of the 2015 global Paris Agreement, which aims to limit dangerous global warming.

Trump is also expected to roll back parts of the Inflation Reduction Act – the signature climate legislation of Mr Biden’s presidency – and has signalled a support for more fossil fuel extraction.

Meanwhile, the climate is a huge priority for King Charles and Prince William.

Wills has been in South Africa to present his environmental Earthshot Prize and believes major firms, alongside governments, need to do more.

Nevertheless, Trump is still said to be “very fond” of the King.

And royal author Phil Dampier said Charles would be extremely popular if he took a trip across the pond.

Also speaking on The Sun’s Royal Exclusive Show, Mr Dampier added: “I would have thought a trip to the States would be a great thing as well.

“Whoever gets in… Trump seems to be very fond of the King. Obviously he’d like to have him.

“That would be enormous, if the King and Queen went to America.”

Now King Charles and Queen Camilla alongside President Trump and wife Melania at Winfield House[/caption]

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