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Best Cyber Monday furniture deals: Last chance to save up to 80% at Article, West Elm, Wayfair

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Cyber Monday is the last chance to take advantage of the best savings of the year from top home brands.

Cyber Monday is here, and with it, your last chance to shop the best furniture sales of the year. As Insider Reviews' home editor, I've been tracking the year's discounts to find the best sales happening right now.

One of my favorite places to shop on a budget is Wayfair, which is currently offering Cyber Monday discounts of up to 80% off. I'm particularly fond of this Mercury Row wingback upholstered bed for under $200. Also on the spectrum of affordable is the Macy's Radley sofa. The three-seater is $789, almost 40% off, with several upholstery options.

Meanwhile, if you want something more custom and less out of the box, Benchmade Modern is offering a rare 25% off sitewide sale. You can read more about our deputy editors' experience building a custom chair in our Benchmade Modern review. Other brands with great custom design options that are offering at least 25% off include Interior DefineThe InsideApt2B, and Ballard Designs.

Throughout the shopping event, we're tracking top discounts for products in other departments, from the best tech deals to the best mattresses on sale. Be sure to follow along on our best Cyber Monday deals hub for the best of the sale.

Cyber Monday living room furniture deals

A sofa is easily one of the biggest purchases you can make for your home. The best couches can range from a few hundred dollars to thousands. Joybird's convertible sofa is over 40% off — it has a concealed footrest, which is ideal for people who prefer a reclining couch but are looking for something that's design-forward.

For something smaller, you can get a swivel chair from Drew Barrymore's Beautiful line at Walmart. The oversized accent chair is $198, saving you 34% off full price.

Cyber Monday bedroom furniture deals

The bedroom is undeniably your home's retreat and should feel as such. Once you have the best mattress, I think that begins with the best bed frame. One of our favorites is the easy-to-assemble Silk & Snow Wooden Bed Frame, which is marked down 15% to $1,105. Or you can feel like royalty with a new burl-wood beauty from Crate and Barrel for $2,398, a 20% discount.

Cyber Monday dining room furniture deals

Whether you have a formal dining room to furnish or a small kitchen island, a sturdy table, comfortable chairs, and organization come top of mind. I'm fortunate to live near Frontgate's only outlet store, and I always love seeing their counter stool collection, but this time around, my heart is set on finding a place to integrate a bar cabinet into my home. This one is 25% off, but the sitewide sale is up to 50% off. If you're looking for more value-oriented pieces, Target, The Home Depot, and Bed Bath and Beyond all have offers on dining furniture.

Cyber Monday home office furniture deals

If you work from home and need to deck out a home office, it's a great time to upgrade to one of the best ergonomic office chairs and invest in a standing desk. I use the Burrow CoPilot Standing Desk, which fulfills my need for form and function with a beautiful wood tabletop and drawer and stable, quiet lift — it's marked down by $200 for Cyber Monday. Brands like Branch and Flexispot are also great customizable options with tons of add-ons like drawers, castors, and monitor arms.

Cyber Monday rug deals

An area rug is a must for something cozy underfoot. Ruggable is the go-to brand for washable rugs, having created an entirely new category of rug and spawning several copycats. You can take 25% off sitewide at Ruggable with code BFCM, plus a few curated favorites are 30% off. For bespoke and vintage rugs, Revival is a great source, with savings up to 30% off. The Citizenry's selection of fair-trade, handmade rugs is up to 30% off, and this only happens a few times a year.

More Cyber Monday home deals

The Plufl Human Dog Bed is once again an anticipated holiday gift this year after being one of the highest searches on Google, and it's 40% off. It's much better than actually lying on the floor. Though, if you're more into gathering round a campfire to stay warm, Solo Stove has up to 50% off sitewide, and it's offering free gifts with purchases when you spend at least $250.

Cyber Monday Furniture FAQs

Is Cyber Monday a good time to buy furniture?

Absolutely. Cyber Monday is a great time to buy new furniture; some may even say it's the best time of the year. Many retailers will have all-time low prices on sofas, bed frames, and dining tables. We've seen savings up to 80% off. Other shopping holidays like Amazon Prime Day and Memorial Day can also have good deals, but they are often not as good as Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

How soon can I have my furniture delivered?

This depends on where you order from and the type of furniture. Custom and made-to-order pieces can take a few months to coordinate delivery while ordering from mass-market stores can take just a few days. Pay attention to expected delivery timelines, which are often posted on each individual product page. If you're in a hurry to receive furniture quickly, some brands also offer ready-to-ship sections to expedite delivery.

Shopping for more discounts today? Check out our roundup of all of the best Cyber Monday deals.

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