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Clippers fought hard but fall 2-1 to the Penticton Vees

A Vee's player is turned away by #35 Chazz Nixon and #3 Nathan Larioza.

By Malcom Cooke

The Clippers fell in a heartbreaking fashion to the Penticton Vees on Saturday night, losing 2-1 in the final seconds. Dylan Kinch scored the lone goal for the Clippers as he continued his hot streak. Chazz Nixon kept the Clippers in front until he had to be removed from the game in the third period. Otto Nuto came in the game in relief and made multiple saves on high-danger scoring chances. The two goals he did allow were redirected shots.

The Clippers overcame a sluggish start in their matchup, going the first six minutes without a shot on goal. The Vees appeared to take an early lead, but their goal was overturned after a review confirmed goaltender interference. Despite the slow start, the Clippers’ defensive effort shone through, as they effectively blocked shots and disrupted the Vees' offence. Late in the first period, the Clippers capitalized on their first power play. Chase Hull nearly found the back of the net, but the Vees' goaltender deflected the shot. Biakabutuka retrieved the puck and passed it back to Hull, whose shot was skillfully tipped in by Dylan Kinch to put the Clippers up 1-0. Although the Clippers had another power play opportunity before the period ended, they couldn’t extend their lead. Despite being outshot 9-5, the Clippers held a 1-0 advantage heading into the intermission thanks to their strong defensive play and timely scoring.

The Clippers continued their disciplined play into the second period, maintaining their 1-0 lead. Early on, they had a third power play opportunity but couldn’t convert it. Their commitment to shot blocking remained steadfast, frustrating the Vees’ offensive efforts. Midway through the period, the Clippers took their first penalty of the game, but their penalty-kill unit stood tall, with goaltender Chazz Nixon making key saves to keep the Vees off the board. Nixon’s poise was crucial as he consistently turned aside shots, many of which were kept to low-danger areas by the Clippers’ defence. Late in the period, Joel Plante had a golden opportunity to extend the lead on a breakaway, but his shot sailed just wide the net. The Clippers earned a late power play, which carried over into the third period. Despite being outshot 11-9 in the second, the Clippers’ defensive play and Nixon’s stellar play ensured they entered the final frame still ahead 1-0.

The Clippers entered the third period with a narrow 1-0 lead and determination on display. Early in the frame, Andrew Brown skated around a Vee's player at the blue line to create a prime scoring opportunity, but the Vees' netminder made the save. Midway through the period, the game took a dramatic turn when Chazz Nixon was forced to leave after sustaining an injury. Otto Nuto stepped in for relief and delivered an outstanding performance under pressure, making crucial saves to preserve the Clippers’ lead. The Vees ramped up their attack, unleashing a flurry of shots, and eventually broke through to tie the game. Despite the setback, Nuto kept his ground in the net, keeping the game deadlocked until the final moments. With just five seconds remaining, the Vees tipped a shot past Nuto. The goal required a review but was ultimately upheld, handing the Vees a dramatic 2-1 victory. Despite the heartbreaking loss, the Clippers displayed resilience, strong defensive play, and stellar goaltending throughout the game.

The three stars of the game were awarded to Louie Wehmann, Dylan Kinch, and Luke Posthumous. FortisBC Energy Player of the Game was given to Otto Nuto for his efforts in relief of Chazz Nixon.

The Clippers are back in action on Friday, December 6th when they face off against the Cowichan Valley Capitals at The Frank. Tickets can be purchased at the Frank Crane box office on game day or at tickets.nanaimoclippers.com.

Recap presented by


Get your Tickets for Nanaimo Clippers' Games.
Tickets can be purchased at tickets.nanaimoclippers.com,
or phone the Clippers' Office at (250) 722-5477 for other ticketing options.

#15 Dylan Kinch scoring Nanaimo's goal.
Clippers' players doing all they can to block shots on goal.
#35 Chazz Nixon smothers the puck in the second period.
#64 Chase Hull stretches to get the puck.

The post Clippers fought hard but fall 2-1 to the Penticton Vees appeared first on Nanaimo Clippers.

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