VAN NUYS — The Chatsworth football team needed every last second of the CIF Los Angeles City Section Division II championship game Saturday at Birmingham High.
A 32-yard field goal by Jacob Velazquez as time expired gave the Chancellors a 38-36 win over South Gate and completed a near-miraculous comeback by Chatsworth.
Chatsworth kicker Jacob Velazquez celebrates after kicking a field goal with no time to left to give Chatsworth a 38-36 victory over South Gate in the CIF L.A. City Section Division II championship game. Nov. 30, 2024. (Photo by Andy Holzman, Contributing Photographer)
Chatsworth players celebrate their victory over South Gate in the CIF L.A. City Section Division II championship game Nov. 30, 2024.(Photo by Andy Holzman, Contributing Photographer)
Chatsworth players celebrate their victory over South Gate in the CIF L.A. City Section Division II championship game Nov. 30, 2024. (Photo by Andy Holzman, Contributing Photographer)
Chatsworth players celebrate their victory over South Gate in the CIF L.A. City Section Division II championship game Nov. 30, 2024.(Photo by Andy Holzman, Contributing Photographer)
Chatsworth kicker Jacob Velazquez jumps in the air after kicking a field goal with no time to left to give Chatsworth a 38-36 victory over South Gate in the CIF L.A. City Section Division II championship game Nov. 30, 2024.(Photo by Andy Holzman, Contributing Photographer)
Chatsworth’s Amaldo Velasquez sacks South Gate’s quarterback Michael Gonzalez during the CIF L.A. City Section Division II championship game Nov. 30, 2024.(Photo by Andy Holzman, Contributing Photographer)
Chatsworth’s Jesse Learn gains yards against South Gate during the CIF L.A. City Section Division II championship game Nov. 30, 2024.(Photo by Andy Holzman, Contributing Photographer)
Chatsworth’s Amaldo Velasquez is called for a penalty as he tackles South Gate quarterback Michael Gonzalez during the CIF L.A. City Section Division II championship game Nov. 30, 2024.(Photo by Andy Holzman, Contributing Photographer)
Chatsworth’s Hector Mendoza and Jesse Leon bring down South Gate’s Francisco Meza during the CIF L.A. City Section Division II championship game Nov. 30, 2024.(Photo by Andy Holzman, Contributing Photographer)
Chatsworth quarterback Connor Eagan keeps the ball against South Gate during the CIF L.A. City Section Division II championship game Nov. 30, 2024.(Photo by Andy Holzman, Contributing Photographer)
Hector Mendoza celebrates a Chatsworth touchdown against South Gate during the CIF L.A. City Section Division II championship game Nov. 30, 2024.(Photo by Andy Holzman, Contributing Photographer)
Chatsworth kicker Jacob Velazquez is all smiles after his game winning field goal gave Chatsworth the victory over South Gate in the CIF L.A. City Section Division II championship game Nov. 30, 2024.(Photo by Andy Holzman, Contributing Photographer)
Chatsworth players celebrate their victory over South Gate in the CIF L.A. City Section Division II championship game Nov. 30, 2024.(Photo by Andy Holzman, Contributing Photographer)
“When it came down to the field goal, all the kids were saying ‘put him in, put him in,’’ said Chatsworth coach Shawn Johnson. “He’s been saying he would get it done. He did.”
The championship hopes for Chatsworth (9-5) appeared dashed after a late fourth-quarter turnover on downs inside the South Gate 10.
On fourth down, the Rams (7-7) took a safety and there was still one second left on the clock. That was enough to breathe life back into the Chancellors.
South Gate’s ensuing kickoff attempt skewed sideways, bouncing out of bounds without using the lone remaining second in the contest. Because it didn’t touch any player, there was a 5-yard penalty assessed against South Gate.
“It could have bounced another way or bounced off somebody’s hand before it went out of bounds,” said Johnson. “The kids just stayed the course and they believed.”
The Chancellors gained possession at the South Gate 15.
The one second was enough time for Velazquez to finish the stunning comeback.
“We practice the pressure,” said Johnson. “Him coming in during a moment when he’s been sitting on the sideline. I’ll randomly call him in just to give him that same type of pressure. He was ready.”
Chatsworth set up the walk-off kick with an impressive second half from its defense. After surrendering 28 first-half points, the Chancellors allowed a single second-half touchdown.
Junior defensive end Lizandro Finder recovered a fumble in the end zone late in the second quarter to help jumpstart the comeback.
Finder was one of five different Chancellors to find the end zone.
Quarterback Connor Eagan ran for a 1-yard touchdown and threw a 20-yard score to Angelo Romo, and Jesse Leon and Jahari Moore each added a rushing score.
A trio of sophomores led the way for South Gate. Eric Myers scored twice and finished with 136 yards rushing on 19 attempts. Michael Gonzalez scored on a pair of quarterback keepers from 1 yard out, and Nicholas Fonseca chipped in a 4-yard touchdown run.
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