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The top TV to watch this week chosen by our experts – from BBC’s The Primrose Railway Children to Channel 5’s Dalgliesh

THERE is a whole load of exciting telly on the way this week for fans to get their teeth into.

The Sun’s TV Mag has rounded up just some of the best things you can watch this week…

Anita Rani will catch-up with a much-loved actress[/caption]

My Life at Christmas: Anita Rani Meets Sheila Hancock 


‘Tis the season for My Life At Christmas to return – and this time Countryfile favourite Anita Rani is in the hot seat, taking the presenting baton from Adrian Chiles.

In the first of three episodes, Anita is joined by Dame Sheila Hancock to discuss her rise from a working class family to one of the UK’s most beloved actresses – and what Christmas means to her.

Equal parts funny and heart-wrenching, Dame Sheila opens up on how the loss of her mother and husband, Inspector Morse star John Thaw, in quick succession sparked a crisis of faith that ultimately led her to finding solace as a Quaker. 

The pair also debate the meaning of Christmas, and their fears the holiday has become too superficial.

Copyright:©BBC Studios
The story will land on iPlayer on Sunday[/caption]

The Primrose Railway Children


Prepare for a magical watch as Jacqueline Wilson’s reimagining of E. Nesbit’s classic comes to the small screen.

When Rob Robinson (Grey’s Anatomy’s Kevin McKidd) goes mysteriously missing, it’s up to his family – wife Sarah (Nina Toussaint-White) and children Phoebe, Becks and Perry – to discover more, come together and embrace a brand new adventure.

Channel 5
It is time to head back to Cannon Hall on Channel 5[/caption]

Winter on the Farm


Channel 5 is heading back to Cannon Hall Farm to catch up with Helen Skelton, Jules Hudson, JB Gill and the Nicholson family.

Helen should be in her element as she gets to show sheep in Cumbria.

There’s an adventure for Rob and Dave Nicholson, who swap South Yorkshire for Finland and are left spellbound by stunning scenery.

But this isn’t just a sightseeing trip as they want to find out about Finland’s unique farming practices.

Elsewhere, JB will be closer to home, visiting a vineyard in Enfield, North London, where profits are ploughed into mental health and wellbeing projects.

Channel 5
Reuben Owen has got himself a Xmas special[/caption]

Reuben Owen: Christmas in the Dales

WEDNESDAY – Channel 5

Reuben knows how to enjoy the festive season and will prove it in this extra special festive episode.

He’s throwing a Yorkshire Christmas party for his nearest and dearest to say thanks for helping make his heavy plant machinery business boom.

But first he heads a Swedish mining town with mate Tommy to help the locals – but it’s not all work and no play, as the pals find time for a huskie sleigh-ride.

Channel 5
A festive special of the show will air this week[/caption]

Shop Smart Save Money For Christmas

WEDNESDAY – Channel 5

Saving cash at Christmas is key for many people and luckily, Gaby Roslin and Ortis Deley have written a list of tips (and checked it twice!) and are here to front a two-part special.

In the show, Gaby and Ortis get their hands on three of the biggest brand’s pre-lit ones and gift them to a Christmas-obsessed family. The catch? They have no idea which is which until they’ve tested them out – and the results might surprise you.

Elsewhere, consumer journalist Georgie Barrat reveals her trusty cashback scheme guide, and Jon Bentley reviews the best value TVs to watch festive films. 

The popular detective drama is back[/caption]


THURSDAY – Channel 5

Commander Adam Dalgliesh (Bertie Carvel), one of TV’s most enigmatic detectives, is back this week to oversee more murky murder mysteries.

In the first of three two-parters based on PD James’ novels – finds Dalgliesh, along with DS Daniel Tarrant (Alistair Brammer), investigating the brutal murder of an influential priest, Archdeacon Matthew Crampton, at a West Sussex seminary.

It quickly emerges that the archdeacon had big plans to modernise the seminary, plans not to the liking of those living and working there. Was one of them responsible for the killing?

As ever, Dalgliesh is at his softly-spoken, unflappable best, while the attention to period detail – we’ve reached 1979 – is impressive.

Death in Paradise’s latest spin-off is here[/caption]

Return to Paradise


In this week’s episode, at a local hairdressers, the stylists are trying to enjoy lunch out for their boss Bianca’s birthday.

But when she fails to turn up to her own celebrations, they head back to the salon – only to find the glam businesswoman has been strangled to death.

Unable to find the murder weapon, Mackenzie and the team hunt for clues – however she’s got a hunch she won’t give up on…

Meanwhile, Philomena tells Mackenzie that HR wants her to stay in Dolphin Cove, but she’s still weighing up the idea of making it her permanent home again, particularly because she has to hang out with her ex non-stop.

Yet nothing’s going to stop Mackenzie’s lightbulb case-solving moment – and this one’s pretty hair-raising!

The Sun’s TV Mag is available for free inside The Sun every Saturday.

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