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What to expect: Museo Pambata’s reopening in December

MANILA, Philippines – Good news for all children and children at heart! The famed Museo Pambata is reopening on December 6, with new and exciting activities and exhibits for all.

The Philippines’ first children’s museum located in Ermita, Manila, is celebrating its 30th anniversary with its new theme “Isla Pambata (Children’s Island)” — a tribute to the diverse and vibrant experiences of Filipino children all over the country.

“Generations of children have passed through Museo Pambata’s doors, and this anniversary honors them — and those yet to come,” Museo Pambata founder Nina Lim-Yuson said during the media launch on Wednesday, November 27.

Museo Pambata was one of the many cultural establishments that had to close due to the pandemic. Coupled with having to deal with structural problems within the building, the institution has since only been able to hold limited events and private programs within the museum.

Since 2020, Museo Pambata’s board has been working to not only return the museum to its pre-pandemic state but to update it based on the needs of today’s children.

“Our hope for Museo Pambata is to be an intergenerational cultural playground,” said president Bambi Manosa-Tanjutco. “It’s where we want Filipinos of all ages to believe in the power of our culture and collectively dream of this future, today.”

Not all spaces within the museum will be available to the public until early 2025, but visitors can look forward to exploring several exciting spaces during their reopening in December. Here’s what you can expect!

New and improved spaces
THE museum features art from all corners of the country. Luna Coscolluela/Rappler

The Habi area celebrates art from indigenous communities in the Philippines, showcasing the beauty and variety of creation that the country has to offer.

THE Kalikasan area focuses on the elements of nature. Luna Coscolluela/Rappler

Kalikasan, a staple section of Museo Pambata, has been updated with an installation by National Artist Kidlat Tahimik.

UNDER the sea, Museo Pambata emphasizes current realities of the world. Luna Coscolluela/Rappler

The Karagatan area showcases the magic of our country’s connection with water while also highlighting the climate crisis affecting our bodies of water today.

THE museum encourages the use of both indoor and outdoor areas. Image from Museo Pambata

In the outdoor space of the museum, visitors will be able to enjoy the renovated playground Bahay Pukyutan for free play and physical exercise.

THE Bahay Kubo is a modern twist on a Filipino staple. Luna Coscolluela/Rappler

One of the new additions since the pandemic, Bahay Kubo 2.0 reimagines the bahay kubo within the urban setting. As Manosa-Tanjutco assured during the media preview of the space, their team made sure to keep the iconic elements of the museum intact while also leaving room for innovation. 

Exploring the renovated museum reveals an interesting mix of both the new and old, a middle ground between nostalgia and growth. The updated Museo Pambata is the perfect home for not only the memories of those who have visited before, but also those who are going to experience the museum for the first time.

Activating the space

As part of the museum’s initiative to create a space intended to demonstrate the abilities of children, they have incorporated programs and activities meant to foster creativity in the youth.

MUSEO Pamabata encourages children to contribute to creating the space. Luna Coscolluela/Rappler

Sikat Sining is a program that encourages both the creation and exhibition of children’s art. “We invite different students, different kids from different schools to come to Museo Pambata and put a little bit of art into the space,” explained Manosa-Tanjutco.

Another program is Dulaan Pambata, which turns the exhibits into living dioramas that visitors can interact with. The museum invites different theater groups to fill the spaces with life and encourage imagination in kids and adults alike.

Balay Yatu

One of the newest additions to the Museo Pambata experience is Balay Yatu which will be home to the museum’s gift shop and cafe. The space will also be used to house exhibits and shows curated by the youth, kicking off with an installation called Kaluluwa, and the Kalikasan, Kapwa, and Kabutihan exhibits.

“Museums globally are changing, decolonizing and reimagining into more complex cultural playgrounds,” said Manosa-Tanjutco. “Museo Pambata aims to be at the forefront of this change with Balay Yatu: Asia’s first youth-curated creative space and cultural center.”

The future of Museo Pambata

Following its reopening in December, the museum plans to continue its vision of curating an innovative and enjoyable experience for children. They will open new spaces in 2025 including an exhibit called Dwellings by artist couple Alfredo & Isabel Aquilizan, Ang Kwento ng Jollibee dedicated to Museo Pambata sponsor Jollibee, and the Classroom of the Future, a technology-centered space designed by JJ Acuña in collaboration with Khan Academy and Samsung.

Visitors can also look forward to attending special events held by the museum:

  • Pista ng Kapuluan: Archipelago Fiesta – November 30, 2024 to February 2025
  • Archipelago Convention – November 30 to December 1, 2024
  • Pista Pambata – December 1, 2024
  • Designearth/disenyomundo – January 18 to 19, 2025
  • Parada Pambata – January 25, 2025
  • Pista ng Kapuluan: Film Festival – February 21 to 22, 2025

Updates on the museum events can be found on their social media pages.

Museo Pambata, which opened in 1994, is the first children’s museum in the Philippines. Since its establishment, it has been dedicated to giving children exciting and interactive experiences while immersing in Filipino culture. 

It is located along Roxas Boulevard on the corner of South Drive, Ermita, Manila. 

Starting on December 6, they will be open to the public on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays with the first session from 10 am to 12 pm and the second from 2 pm to 4 pm. The museum is also open to school tours and private events from Tuesday to Thursday.

The entrance fee is P450 per person with a 20% discount for seniors and PWDs. The fee is waived for children below two years old. – Rappler.com

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