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LOOK: UAAP cheerdance teams drop Season 87 teasers

MANILA, Philippines – Just like any other year, the UAAP Season 87 cheerdance competition is the hottest ticket in town. 

From going out of this world to going back in time, the eight member schools look set to offer a wide range of themes for what’s anticipated to be a jam-packed Mall of Asia Arena crowd starting at 2:30 pm on Sunday, December 1. 

Considered a respite from the heated men’s basketball Final Four, the cheerdance competition aims to deliver showstoppers as fans fill the air with their ever-familiar school chants. 

Here’s a sneak peek from each school — listed based on the order of performance — in this year’s cheerdance action.

Ateneo: Dawn of the universe

The Ateneo’s Blue Babble Battalion will rewind the hands of time as they tell a story on “how the universe was created” for this year’s performance. 

The Blue Eagles hope their routine will inspire athletes to go “limitless” in their sport. 

Ateneo has been stuck at the cheerdance cellar for what feels like eons, always finishing at the bottom two in the last 10 years. Breaking out of that slump remains the squad’s top priority in Season 87. 

Hashtag: #OneBigBang

UE: Sexbomb show

One of three teams going for nostalgia this season, the UE Pep Squad looks to channel the flair and flamboyance of the 2000s girl group Sexbomb.

UE is expected to feature catchy Sexbomb hits such as “Bakit Papa,” “The Spaghetti Song,” and “Di Ko Na Mapipigilan,” among others. 

The pep squad has also posted a series of video messages from the original Sexbomb dancers on its social media pages ahead of the cheerdance competition. 

UE finished sixth last year, but it’s eager to improve and gun for a podium finish. 

Hashtags: #EASTpagettingPataas #SumayawSumunodsaUE 

UST: Down the ‘90s lane

After three years of foreign-focused performances, the UST Salinggawi Dance Troupe will turn back the clock with a Batang ‘90s-themed routine aimed at bringing back the good old times. 

UST’s performance seeks to rekindle childhood memories and showcase the carefree nature of being a kid.

The España-based crew hopes to stay on the podium this year after taking the bronze in the past two editions. 

If Salinggawi wins this year, UST will become the winningest team in UAAP cheerdance history, as it currently remains tied with the UP Pep Squad with eight titles each.

Hashtags: #wansESPAÑAtaym #USTEkotinapay

Adamson: Karaoke kings, queens

Karaoke and local pop culture will take center stage when the Adamson Pep Squad unveils its routine. 

The team is expected to highlight the Filipinos’ fun spirit and fondness for singing.

Adamson, which last won the crown in 2017, finished just a spot shy of the podium last year, placing fourth in the final tally. 

Hashtag: #KARAOKeyToTheTop

UP: Summer in December

One of the winningest squads in the competition, the UP Pep Squad hopes to bring the fire to the cheerdance mat with a summer vibe performance. 

Banking on a colorful theme, UP guns for a record-breaking ninth cheerdance title through a performance that would turn up the heat in the often chilly MOA Arena. 

UP placed fifth last year with a beloved Eraserheads-themed routine. 

Hashtag: #SunnySideUP

NU: Space and time

The NU Pep Squad will go out of this world once more, displaying an outer space-inspired performance for Season 87. 

NU has been one of the most anticipated teams, following a string of golden routines over the past decade.

This year, they gun for a record-tying eighth cheerdance title in a performance the perennial powerhouse hopes will blow the fans’ minds. 

Last season, NU finished second place after impressing with an Elvis Presley-themed routine. 

Hashtag: #NUniverse

La Salle: Checkmate

The De La Salle University Animo Squad will go for a unique route with a chess-inspired cheerdance routine. 

The Animo Squad members already made a bold move by dyeing their hair white and black, akin to chess colors, to get their game face on.

One of three schools that have not ruled the competition yet, La Salle aims for a breakthrough win this time.

Hashtag: #TheFinalMove

FEU: Cool champs

The FEU Cheering Squad will defend its cheerdance crown through a Disney-themed performance. 

FEU chose the movie Frozen as inspiration for its routine, assuring fans that the Tams crew will close out the show with a chilling bang rather than a cold whimper, just like the hit Disney film.

This will be the second straight year FEU will showcase an animation-inspired routine, following last year’s winning performance based on the movie and classic video game Mario Kart

Hashtags: #FEUrozen #forthefirstTAMinforever 

Must Read

IN NUMBERS: Which university has won the most UAAP cheerdance championships?

– Rappler.com

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