"Don't ever make a bet with a tiefling."— Planar proverb[1]The tiefling (pronounced "teef-ling")[2][3] is a race of planetouched humanoids. Tieflings are primarily human in ancestry, but draw part of their bloodline from a powerful evil extraplanar being.The term "tiefling" was first applied to all humans whose ancestry included any evil extraplanar being of the Lower Planes, such as a demon, devil, evil deity or other unknown entity. This usage is common among many planar travelers.More recently, the term commonly refers to a specific type of planetouched humanoid who draw their descent from an infernal being or power of the Nine Hells, most commonly Asmodeus. This includes the descendants of the former empire of Bael Turath who gained infernal form in a pact with Asmodeus, as well as the various planetouched of Faerûn who were transformed into infernal tieflings by Asmodeus during the Spellplague. In AD&D 2e and D&D 3e, tieflings were humans descended from any evil outsider, but 4e a...