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‘Sketchy’: Gamer says GameStop sold him a used PS5 as brand new. Here’s how he got a new one

A gamer is going viral for claiming that his local GameStop attempted to sell him a used Playstation.

Creator @z1gamingtv ("Z") says he pre-ordered the PS5 Pro “right when they came out.” When he went to pick it up, he alleges that the store gave him “an open and used Playstation 5 Pro as a new one.”

He says the box had clearly been tampered with and was open on one side.

“I didn’t notice it was open until I was walking out of the door,” Z adds. When he reported the issue to staff, he says they claimed the box was damaged during shipping.

Then Z says he opened the box in his car.

“The whole thing looks like it’s repackaged. The manuals are bent,” he continues. “I take it back in [and] the guy starts throwing a fit.”

Z notes that he eventually got a new PS5, but not before he started taking pictures of the initial box he received. 

He ends his video by addressing GameStop: “This s**t is not OK.”

As of Friday, Z’s clip has amassed nearly 300,000 views.

What happens if a store sells used merchandise?

Other gamers shared that they’ve been in similar situations. They say the best thing to do is speak up as quickly as possible. 

In a recent Quora thread, a gamer claimed that GameStop sold him a used game after he already “paid the price for a new one.” 

If you notice that a gaming console or game is open once you’ve already left the store, commenters recommend taking your receipt and other evidence and visiting the store in-person.

Once there, users say buyers should calmly explain their predicament to a staff member. And if the in-store clerks say that they’re unable to resolve the issue, they recommend escalating the issue (either online or via the store’s corporate contacts) until there is a satisfactory resolution.

In the thread a user named Ian said that he bought a used video game from Walmart, but didn’t notice the issue until he got home. He said that he followed the aforementioned advice and learned to immediately open new games and consoles at the register in front of the cashier.

“Having worked in retail, the squeaky wheel does not always get the grease. It is often that the considerate, calm, adult person gets treated properly,” he wrote. “The more you scream and yell at someone the less likely they’re going to help you.”

Another gamer allowed that new cases can get damaged during shipping. But if this is the case, commenters said that the store in question should warn buyers and ask whether they’re interested in buying an undamaged copy.

Viewers react

In the comments, Z explained that he wouldn’t have had an issue with GameStop had the employee given him an unused console.

“BUT they fought me on it and just refused initially,” he wrote.

This led some viewers to say that they’ve stopped shopping at GameStop.

“Conducting business at GameStop in 2024 is wild,” one user said.

“Stop doing business with GameStop,” another urged. “Let them continue to be a Funko pop store.”

“Yeah, that’s messed up, I swear every location has something sketchy going on,” a third commenter said.

Other viewers, meanwhile, offered their opinions about what happened to the first console Z was sold.

“I guarantee they opened it up to see what it looked like and put it back in the box poorly,” one user said. “Regardless by their standards it’s not ‘new.’”

“GameStop employees are allowed to sign out games and systems,” another opined. “You got one that was signed out.”

@z1gamingtv GameStop Tries To Sell USED PS5 Pro as “NEW” !! #gaming ♬ original sound - Z1 Gaming

An employee at the GameStop location declined to comment because they are not authorized to speak on the company's behalf.

The Daily Dot has reached out to Z via TikTok comment and to GameStop corporate through email.

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The post ‘Sketchy’: Gamer says GameStop sold him a used PS5 as brand new. Here’s how he got a new one appeared first on The Daily Dot.

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