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Premier League star became a viral sensation at 12 at Arsenal then was signed by Charlton after playing in a car park

OMARI HUTCHINSON was an internet sensation at the age of 12 — but only now is he on the stage he really craved.

Hutchinson, 21, has been on a high since scoring his first Premier League goal as Ipswich drew 1-1 with Manchester United last week.

YOUTUBE/ F2Freestylers - Ultimate Soccer Skills Channel
More than 4million viewers saw Omari Hutchinson’s special skills[/caption]
YOUTUBE/ F2Freestylers - Ultimate Soccer Skills Channel
Football fans went head over heels for his exhibition stuff[/caption]
Hutchinson’s career took many twists on the way to facing Man Utd[/caption]

Now Nottingham Forest are in his sights as the Tractor Boys battle to prove they are good enough to mix it with game’s established stars.

And that is a feeling Hutchinson knows only too well despite having his super skills praised by Pele when he was a schoolboy.

Chelsea released Hutchinson twice and gave him just two first-team outings before Ipswich paid a club-record £22.5million fee for the youngster in the summer.

Inbetween was a spell at Arsenal that made him famous — but not on the pitch.

Then there were the unsuccessful trials at Tottenham and Brentford.

Plus a couple of seasons at Charlton, who only signed the Londoner because they saw him playing in their car park.

It has not been a conventional route to the top by any means for Hutchinson, even though his talent was always there to see.

A collaboration with the F2 Freestylers when he was 12 saw more than four million viewers log on to watch his skills.

YOUTUBE/ F2Freestylers - Ultimate Soccer Skills Channel
Advice from Arsenal and Chelsea aces kept Hutchinson on the up[/caption]


He said: “It had its pros and cons.

“I got quite popular at a young age but at the time I wasn’t really playing much football.

“I wasn’t really a starter at Arsenal at that time and you want to be playing every minute of every game at a young age.

“I would play football with my dad after a game and do extras.”

One constant, however, was the refusal to give up on his dream.

Hutchinson added: “One hundred per cent. As a young player you need that self-confidence and self-belief that you are going to make it and be one of the best in the league — or the world. That’s what I have been doing.

“I have been at two of the best clubs in the world and trained with the first team in both of them.

“I have seen what it takes to get to that stage and a lot of senior players have spoken to me saying, ‘You’re a very talented player, make sure you focus on this and that and you will make it’.

“They also told me not to get distracted and I have taken it on board. I have gone a different route and shown myself from there.”

Hutchinson is far too young to remember Pele, the world’s greatest player in the 1960s, but the Brazil legend still had a part to play on his journey.

The three-time World Cup winner — who died in December 2022 — witnessed Hutchinson’s skills on a visit to London and let the youngster know he was impressed.

Hutchinson said: “It was at a Brentford tournament when I was with the Under-12s at Arsenal.

“He was there, he came towards the end, and we did some freestyling skills.

“All the teams gathered round in a circle and a player from each team had to show some skills — I got forced to go up!

“He saw it and he liked it. When we took a picture of him he told me to come up and rest on his knee.

I saw that the Lottery is easier to win than becoming a professional footballer in the Premier League.

Omari Hutchinson

“I was doing kick-ups-round-the-world and putting the ball on my neck.

“When I was young my grandma always used to say, ‘You’re going to be like Pele when you’re older’. She gave me a lot of books and cards and stuff like that.”

It was no surprise that Hutchinson joined Ipswich on their return to the top tier after 22 years away, although there were other offers.

The attacking midfielder, who can play wide or No 10, had helped them to promotion when on loan from Chelsea last season.

And Tractor Boys manager Kieran McKenna promised Hutchinson the chance of the regular football he craved.

He said: “I spoke to Kieran in the summer and it was a no-brainer to come here.

“I knew I was going to play in the Premier League, which is a rare occasion.

“I saw that the Lottery is easier to win than becoming a professional footballer in the Premier League.”

Hutchinson still has one big decision to make however — to choose England, where he is in the Under-21s, or go back to Jamaica, for whom he has played a couple of friendlies and qualifies through his dad.

No Town player has represented the Three Lions at senior level since Richard Wright in 2001 — and only 12 have in total.

That might change soon but Hutchinson insisted: “I have very high ambition but I’m not focused on that right now.”

YOUTUBE/ F2Freestylers - Ultimate Soccer Skills Channel
Hutchinson has gone on to play for England U-21s and Jamaica[/caption]
YOUTUBE/ F2Freestylers - Ultimate Soccer Skills Channel
Nine years on from this, he’s up to his young tricks again – but in the Prem[/caption]

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