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British Parliament Initially Passes Dangerous Bill to Legalize Assisted Suicide

The British parliament has given initial approval to the bill to legalize assisted suicide on a 330-275 vote. The second reading vote is not the final vote on the matter, but it makes a third reading vote and final approval of the euthanasia bill appear likely.

Dr Gordon Macdonald, Chief Executive of Care Not Killing, told LifeNews this was a sad and terrible day for the UK.

“We are naturally disappointed at the vote, but have been hugely encouraged that the more MPs hear about assisted suicide and euthanasia the more they turn against changing the law and rightly want the Government to focus on fixing the UK’s broken palliative care system,” he said.

“Indeed, as we heard from numerous MPs today fixing the palliative and social care systems should be the priority, rather than pressing ahead with a dangerous and ideological that will make many elderly, terminally ill and disabled people feel like a burden and end their lives prematurely, exactly as we see in the US state of Oregon, the model for this draft Bill,” the doctor continued.

The doctor told LifeNews that many MPs focused on legal assisted suicide in the United States and Canada and discussed how safeguards have been abused and exploited.

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“Other MPs expressed concern that the legislation was rushed and badly drafted, highlighting that in Oregon a law introduced for terminally ill adults has expanded to include people with diabetes, arthritis and eating disorders such as anorexia. Others highlighted the problems with the so-called safeguards, which  evidence from around the world shows over time are eroded and swept away, just as we see in Canada, which introduced a tightly defined law in 2016,” Macdonald explained.” By 2019, the law had been expanded from terminally ill adult to anyone suffering, and this year legislators approved euthanasia for those with mental health problems. While some warned that those from ethnic minorities, poorer back grounds or with a disability were much more likely to have their lives ended if this law was passed.”

Dr Macdonald concluded: “Our current laws protect vulnerable people and do not need changing, instead we need to focus our attention on how to ensure we provide the very best palliative care to those who need it.”

Three former Conservative Prime Ministers and the former Labour Prime Minister before Keir Starmer have all come out in opposition to the assisted suicide Bill.

As MPs prepare to vote on Kim Leadbeater’s Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill this Friday, former Prime Ministers Boris Johnson, Baroness May and Liz Truss have indicated they are opposed to the Bill, which, if passed, will make assisted suicide legal for people thought to have fewer than six months to live.

Liz Truss said she was “completely opposed” to the Bill. “It is wrong in principle: organs of the state like the NHS and the judicial system should be protecting lives, not ending them”.

“No doubt, as we have seen in Canada, vulnerable people would be put under appalling pressure to end their lives early. The law would be ripe for being exploited by the unscrupulous. MPs should vote this terrible Bill down and instead focus on improving health services”, she said.

In an intervention last week, Gordon Brown, the previous Labour PM before Starmer, said the debate on assisted suicide is moving too quickly and instead a “fully funded, 10-year strategy for improved and comprehensive palliative care” should be set up.

The Health Secretary has been outspoken in his opposition to the Bill set to be voted on this Friday. Earlier this week, he ordered a review of the costs of implementing assisted suicide if Kim Leadbeater’s assisted suicide Bill is passed later this month, warning of a “chilling” scenario in which patients are pressured into ending their lives, and saying assisted suicide would “come at the expense of other choices”.

“I would hate for people to opt for assisted dying because they think they’re saving someone somewhere money, whether that’s relatives or the NHS. And I think that’s one of the issues that MPs are wrestling with as they decide how to cast their vote”, he said.

Speaking to reporters at the NHS Providers conference in Liverpool, when asked about Leadbeater’s Bill he said “Now that we’ve seen the bill published, I’ve asked my department to look at the costs that would be associated with providing a new service to enable assisted dying to go forward”.

“That work is now under way, so I can’t give you a precise figure today. You do touch on… the potential for cost savings if people choose to opt for assisted dying rather than stay in the care of providers or the NHS. I think that is a chilling slippery slope argument”.

Delivering assisted suicide would “come at the expense of other competing pressures and priorities”, he added.

Fellow Cabinet Minister Justice Secretary, Shabana Mahmood, has also been outspoken in her opposition to the assisted suicide Bill.

Mahmood voted against making assisted suicide legal in 2015 and she has remained a vocal opponent of assisted suicide. In July this year, she said, “I don’t intend to support it”.

“I know some MPs who support this issue think, ‘For God’s sake, we’re not a nation of granny killers, what’s wrong with you’… [But] once you cross that line, you’ve crossed it forever. If it becomes the norm that at a certain age or with certain diseases, you are now a bit of a burden… that’s a really dangerous position”.

Spokesperson for Right To Life UK, Catherine Robinson, said “The opposition to this dangerous Bill is growing rapidly. These former Prime Ministers join the Mother and Father of the House as well as members of the Labour Cabinet in voicing their concerns about assisted suicide”.

“Those who are terminally ill need assistance to live, not to die”.

The post British Parliament Initially Passes Dangerous Bill to Legalize Assisted Suicide appeared first on LifeNews.com.

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