A picture of an Indian woman wearing a yellow “Banarasi bikini” has gone viral on the internet, claiming she defied stereotypes by choosing the outfit for her wedding day. However, upon closer examination, India.com found the image to be fake. The viral claim that a bride from Lucknow wore a yellow “Banarasi bikini” for her wedding day is false, as the image is AI-generated.
But it looks so real that several users on the internet started debating after seeing the post.
“Lucknow bride breaks stereotype by wearing Banarasi bikini in marriage ceremony. Internet split in two halves,” reads the text on the viral image.
I don’t know why husband is so gentleman that he is wearing full shervani?
May be his parents gave him good cultural habits of how to be in Indian traditional functions..
Bride’s Parents becharee unki beti sunti kahan hai..‘Aaj kal ki abla naari.. na Sharam na… pic.twitter.com/8jDuLDlmx9
— The Forgotten “Man” (@SamSiff) November 28, 2024
The image features a woman in a yellow bikini with a veil. She is smiling and holding a garland beside the groom. Mehendi is visible on the bride’s hands and legs, along with jewellery.
A reverse image search revealed that the image was originally shared on Reddit with the caption “Marriage season.” The post has an “NSFW” tag, indicating that the content is suitable only for adults aged 18 and above.
The Reddit page being discussed is home to a unique collection of artwork crafted by artificial intelligence. Going by what the page tells us, “DesiAdultfusion serves as a creative hub on Reddit where AI takes the brush, painting art suffused with elements of desi culture. Our forum is a palette featuring an array of artwork rooted in desi culture, varying from traditional to avant-garde, all of them courtesy of AI. You’re invited to join us, add your original creations to our collection, and dive into the inventive trove of others who share a mutual love for the flavors of desi culture.”