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State pension loophole means YOU could end up paying tax next year – how to avoid it

A STATE pension loophole means you could end up unexpectedly paying tax next year.

The issue affects those who use the marriage allowance, which lets you share some of your tax-free allowance with your spouse.

You and your partner could be owed as much as £1,258 in marriage allowance

It’s a legal way of reducing the income tax you pay and can save you hundreds of pounds a year.

As it stands, the lower earner, which tends to be the wife, can transfer 10% of their £12,570 personal allowance, which is around £1,260, to a basic-rate taxpayer.

This can reduce their tax bill by around £252 with those eligible able to backdate claims by four years, totalling £1,258.

However, due to the freeze in income tax thresholds and the rise in state pension under the triple lock, it can see lower earners handing over 10% of their personal allowance and then being taxed themselves.

For example, the full new state pension is currently worth £221.20 a week or £11,502 a year.

But someone on this amount and transferring 10% of their personal allowance would end up with £11,310 left, and paying tax on £192.

With the state pension rising by 4.1% from next April, it will mean even more pensioners using their marriage allowance are stung.

This is because someone on a full new state pension will get £11,973 a year, and would end up paying income tax on £663 if they transferred 10% of their personal allowance.

Steve Webb, former pensions minister and partner at pension consultants LCP, said: “The ongoing freezing of the personal tax allowance has created all sorts of unintended consequences.

“We are now in a situation where hundreds of thousands of married women need to choose between starting to pay tax on their pension for the first time, or revoking their marriage allowance and putting up their husband’s tax bill by hundreds of pounds.

“The whole situation is a complex nonsense.”

What you can do about it

Steve said you have two options if you are on a full new state pension and are being taxed on your marriage allowance.

You can carry on receiving it, which does benefit you both.

Although the wife now pays a tax of £132 which she doesn’t need to, the husband still saves £252.

So overall the couple save £120, even though the wife is now a taxpayer

Or, you could stop the marriage allowance completely, you’d need to revoke your application to do this otherwise it will continue to run each year.

However, this could leave you worse off overall because your husband’s tax bill goes up £252.

How does the state pension work?

AT the moment the current state pension is paid to both men and women from age 66 - but it's due to rise to 67 by 2028 and 68 by 2046.

The state pension is a recurring payment from the government most Brits start getting when they reach State Pension age.

But not everyone gets the same amount, and you are awarded depending on your National Insurance record.

For most pensioners, it forms only part of their retirement income, as they could have other pots from a workplace pension, earning and savings. 

The new state pension is based on people’s National Insurance records.

Workers must have 35 qualifying years of National Insurance to get the maximum amount of the new state pension.

You earn National Insurance qualifying years through work, or by getting credits, for instance when you are looking after children and claiming child benefit.

If you have gaps, you can top up your record by paying in voluntary National Insurance contributions. 

To get the old, full basic state pension, you will need 30 years of contributions or credits. 

You will need at least 10 years on your NI record to get any state pension. 

Who is eligible for marriage tax allowance?

One of you needs to be earning little enough to not be paying a personal allowance, while the other has to be on the “basic rate” of income tax.

The basic rate applies to anyone earning £12,571 to £50,270 a year and is worth 20%.

Both people in the couple have to have been born on or after April 6, 1935, as well. Plus, you must be married or in a civil partnership.

As an example, if your income is £11,500 your personal allowance is £12,570 so you don’t pay any tax.

If your partner’s income is £20,000 they pay tax on £7,430 which is £20,000 minus the personal allowance.

But you could transfer your personal allowance to your partner meaning they would only pay tax on £6,170 and you would effectively be earning £12,760 and have to pay income tax on £190.

It means as a couple you would pay less combined income tax and would save £214 overall.

How to apply for marriage allowance

The lower fee payer or non-taxpayer has to apply.

The easiest way is to fill out a form on the Government’s website.

You’ll need both your National Insurance numbers and a form of ID for the non-taxpayer.

Alternatively, you can apply through self-assessment or by writing to HMRC.

The requirements you must meet include being a married couple or civil partnership – and being born on or after April 6, 1935.

Whichever way you do apply, any backdated money owed to you will be calculated automatically and sent to you as a cheque.

If you need any assistance applying, you can call the HMRC helpline on 03000 200 3300.

The relief for the current financial year (2024/25) is £252 while it’s the same for 2023/24 and 2022/23.

For 2021/22 and 2020/21 the maximum backdated amount you can get is £252 and £250 respectively.

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