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"Я хочу вести жизнь обычного человека". Дочь Анастасии Волочковой рассказала о своей жизни и женихе

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Улицу Центральную в Дубне благоустроят к началу лета

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Holiday arts 2024: Here are classical concerts to put Bay Area music fans in the spirit

The holidays can be a whirlwind of shopping, baking, meeting and greeting — all of it lovely, but at some point, we all need to stop, take a break and listen to some music. And the music we hear this time of year is brilliant. For many of us, it’s one of the reasons for the season.

Of course, the Bay Area’s music scene offers much more than the traditional fare. This month brings the great works — Handel’s “Messiah,” “Nutcrackers” galore and other musical and arts masterworks — but there are plenty of outside-the-box events to choose from too.

Here’s just a partial list of this month’s many great events.

“Holiday Choral by Candlelight”: Under conductor Kevin Fox, the Marin Symphony’s December program features the Marin Symphony Chamber Chorus and Marin Girls Chorus in a program including works by Biebl, Rutter, Amy Beach and others, with harp solos, candle lighting and carols.

Details: 7:30 p.m. Dec. 7, 4 p.m. Dec. 8, Saint Raphael Church, San Rafael; $40 general, $20 youth; marinsymphony.org.

“Wintersongs”: Kitka, the acclaimed nine-woman vocal ensemble dedicated to the music of the Balkan, Caucasus and Slavic lands, returns with its annual concert following the arc of the “Supra,” a traditional Georgian ritual feast.

Details: Dec. 7 through 22; concerts in Belvedere, Menlo Park, Santa Cruz, Oakland, San Francisco and additional venues; $36 to $56; kitka.org.

“Christmas at the California”: Symphony San Jose, joined by the Symphony San Jose Chorale, celebrates “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year.” The program includes carols, sing-alongs and other seasonal music, along with the Silicon Valley version of “The Twelve Days of Christmas.”

Details: 7:30 p.m. Dec. 9, 2:30 p.m. Dec. 10, California Theatre, San Jose; $55 to $115; symphonysanjose.org.

Marin Symphony’s “Holiday Choral by Candlelight” shows are next month in San Rafael. (Courtesy of Marin Symphony)

“A Bach Christmas”: Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra returns with a program featuring music by Bach and German composer Christoph Graupner. Ruben Valenzuela conducts, and special guest soprano Sherezade Panthaki joins the orchestra and Philharmonia Chorale.

Details: 7:30 p.m. Dec. 11, Bing Hall, Stanford University; repeats Dec. 12 at Herbst Theater, San Francisco, and Dec. 13 at First Congregational Church, Berkeley; $15 to $32; philharmonia.org.

“Messiah,” American Bach Soloists: It’s a Bay Area tradition: Handel’s masterwork, performed in Grace Cathedral, is one of the great holiday events, and American Bach presents it in all of its splendor. This year, conductor Jeffrey Thomas leads the orchestra and Bach Choir in a performance featuring soprano Mary Wilson, countertenor Eric Jurenas, tenor Jon Lee Keenan, baritone Jesse Blumberg, and the company’s Bach Choir.

Details: 7:30 p.m. Dec. 13, Grace Cathedral, San Francisco; $25 to $135; americanbach.org.

“The Christmas Truce”: Now in its 62nd season, the Santa Clara Chorale presents a work marking the 110th anniversary of a World War I event when soldiers on both sides of battle laid down their arms for a night of much-needed peace.

Details: 8 p.m. Dec. 13, 4 p.m. Dec. 15, Mission Santa Clara, $32 to $40; $12 student, under 18 free; scc.org.

“Holiday Gaiety”: San Francisco Symphony has a full calendar of holiday treats for December, including performances of Handel’s Messiah, “Holiday Brass,” and “The Muppet Christmas Carol.” One of the highlights is this event, featuring the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus in a program conducted by Edwin Outwater.

Details: 7:30 Dec. 13, Davies Symphony Hall, San Francisco; $39 to $225; sfsymphony.org.

“The San Jose Nutcracker”: Symphony San Jose joins forces with New Ballet in Tchaikovsky’s beloved holiday classic, choreographed by Dalia Rawson and conducted by Thomas Shoebotham. Matinee and evening performances are available.

Details: 2 and 7 p.m. Dec. 14; additional dates and times through Dec. 23; California Theatre, San Jose; $31.50 to $121.50; symphonysanjose.org.

“Let Us Break Bread Together”: Under its late music director Michael Morgan, the Oakland Symphony’s annual holiday concert became a must-attend event. Now under Kedrick Armstrong, the orchestra’s brilliant new conductor, the Symphony continues the tradition with a joyful celebration. Titled “The Legends of Disco,” it features the orchestra, chorus, and special guests; come prepared to sing along.

Details: 4 p.m. Dec. 15, Paramount Theater, Oakland; $15 to $68; oaklandsymphony.org.

“Tres Souls: Boleros de Navidad”: Done with the usual carols? Check out this festive Latin holiday concert featuring the trio in traditional songs and vintage hits from the 1940s-1960s, along with works from the golden age of Mexican cinema.

Details: 7:30 Dec. 16, Bankhead Theater, Livermore; $25 to $60; livermorearts.org.

“Holiday Spectacular!”: Cal Performances brings the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus to Zellerbach Hall with the company’s annual heartfelt, hilarious program of holiday carols, satirical sketches, guest dancers, and drag artists.

Details: 5 p.m. Dec. 21, Zellerbach Hall, UC Berkeley; $45 to $125; calperformances.org.

Contact Georgia Rowe at growe@pacbell.net.

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АСИ представило Атлас сервисно-инфраструктурных решений для комплексного развития опорных населенных пунктов

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