A Lake Elsinore man is in jail after authorities discovered about $2.9 million worth of psilocybin mushrooms – commonly known as “magic mushrooms,” or “shrooms,” that contain hallucinogenic powers – and several firearms in his home, the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department said on Thursday, Nov. 28.
Jesse Arroyo, 43, was arrested on Tuesday after authorities obtained a search warrant for his home and came upon an estimated 445 pounds of vacuum-sealed psilocybin mushrooms and about 2,805 bags of the mushrooms in various stages of growth.
The Riverside County Sheriff’s Department arrested a Lake Elsinore man in Nov. 2024 after discovering about $2.9 million worth of psilocybin mushrooms — commonly known as “shrooms” containing hallucinogenic powers — and several firearms at his home. These are images of the items seized from the man’s home. (Photos courtesy of Riverside County Sheriff’s Department)
The Riverside County Sheriff’s Department arrested a Lake Elsinore man in Nov. 2024 after discovering about $2.9 million worth of psilocybin mushrooms — commonly known as “shrooms” containing hallucinogenic powers — and several firearms at his home. These are images of the items seized from the man’s home. (Photos courtesy of Riverside County Sheriff’s Department)
The Riverside County Sheriff’s Department arrested a Lake Elsinore man in Nov. 2024 after discovering about $2.9 million worth of psilocybin mushrooms — commonly known as “shrooms” containing hallucinogenic powers — and several firearms at his home. These are images of the items seized from the man’s home. (Photos courtesy of Riverside County Sheriff’s Department)
The Riverside County Sheriff’s Department arrested a Lake Elsinore man in Nov. 2024 after discovering about $2.9 million worth of psilocybin mushrooms — commonly known as “shrooms” containing hallucinogenic powers — and several firearms at his home. These are images of the items seized from the man’s home. (Photos courtesy of Riverside County Sheriff’s Department)
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The Riverside County Sheriff’s Department arrested a Lake Elsinore man in Nov. 2024 after discovering about $2.9 million worth of psilocybin mushrooms — commonly known as “shrooms” containing hallucinogenic powers — and several firearms at his home. These are images of the items seized from the man’s home. (Photos courtesy of Riverside County Sheriff’s Department)
Authorities also seized two semi-automatic rifles, one of which was unserialized; a shotgun, four semi-automatic handguns, including two that were unserialized; one semi-automatic handgun suppressor and two ballistic vests.
The investigation began in August when deputies responded to a business about a suspicious package. The package contained psilocybin mushrooms and marijuana products.
In November, investigators identified Arroyo as the person who had shipped the package and went to his home, where they discovered “a large-scale psilocybin mushroom cultivation operation,” according to a news release.
Arroyo was booked into the Cois Byrd Detention Center for multiple felony drug-related offenses and felony weapons violations.
Anyone with information about the case can contact the Lake Elsinore Sheriff’s Station at 951-245-3300.
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