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Сергея Мамонова снова освободили от должности постпреда Коми при президенте России

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Inside Robbie Williams’ Better Man after party as he reveals secret to epic weight loss and takes a swipe at Oasis

HE is one of the nation’s biggest stars so it was only fitting that Robbie Williams partied with the great and the good of showbiz after the European premiere of his biopic Better Man.

Singer Ellie Goulding in a semi-see-through dress, presenters Matt and Emma Willis, Girls Aloud’s Nicola Roberts and comedians Leigh Francis and Rob Brydon were all at the intimate bash at Lio London in Leicester Square — along with Bizarre man Jack.

Robbie Williams showed off his trimmed body and revealed his secret is weight-loss drug Ozempic[/caption]
Robbie and Ayda Field partied with the stars at the premiere of his biopic Better Man[/caption]

And at the do, Robbie revealed the secret to his slimmed down figure is weight-loss drug Ozempic.

Looking buff in a tight tank top and white flared trousers, Robbie beamed as he playfully posed to show off his trim bod, before taking a swipe at Oasis and showering All Saints ex Nicole Appleton with love as his wife Ayda Field watched on.

Gesturing to himself, Rob gushed: “So what do you think? What do you think? Not f***ing bad eh! Brought to you by big pharma.

“Everything that you see here. Ozempic, HGH — human growth hormone, testosterone, Prozac, anxiety. . . ”

Laughing, the Angels singer added: “You saw the fing film, I’ve been through a lot . . . and the hair, the hair is Propecia [anti-hair loss drug] too. So a round of applause for big pharma.”

As he performed a cover of Frank Sinatra’s My Way, Rob changed the lyrics to once again reference the fat jabs that have been taking Hollywood by storm.

“I’m on Ozempic, sometimes you follow through,” he sang before telling a member of the crowd it was an “inside joke”.

I told earlier this month how Rob had ruled out using dynamic pricing for his 2025 UK tour, unlike Oasis brothers Liam and Noel Gallagher for their reunion tour.

And during the evening he couldn’t resist taking a swipe at his rivals.

Rob bellowed to the packed venue of VIPs enjoying free flowing Moet champagne and themed cocktails: “I don’t do dynamic pricing but I f***ing would have loved to have done. Thank f those bastards did it first.”

Oasis have been slammed for their use of the demand-inflated ticket price format.

During the evening, Rob performed a seven-song set, halting a rendition of his 2000 single Supreme to mock his own crude lyrics.

After grinding as he sang: “Do you need a bit of rough? Get on your knees,” Rob admitted: “I should get rid of that bit now ’cause I’m 50. It’s not really age-appropriate and I do it at every gig but here I am, middle-aged with four kids . . .  Oh well.”

Better Man, out December 26, is a warts-and-all biopic of Robbie’s life in which the singer is portrayed as a CGI monkey.

But while it may sound ridiculous, it weirdly works, as it is a nod to the former Take That star’s claim that he always felt like a “performing monkey”.

The film covers Robbie’s heartbreaking relationship with All Saints singer Nicole, lifting the lid on their troubles and detailing her having an abortion.

Rob said of the heartbreaking scenes: “A round of applause for Nicole Appleton.

“People keep coming to me saying I’m very brave doing the documentary and the film.

“But I’m on the f***ing spectrum man, I am not picking up any cues of what should or shouldn’t be said.

“I’m not being brave, I just don’t know when to shut up. Nicole Appleton on the other hand is f***ing brave, allowing us to tell that bit of the story.”

Clearly not taking any of the support for granted, Rob said: “Thank you for coming to the proudest night of my life.

“My wife is in the audience going, ‘You’ve got four kids, what about the kids? What about the wedding day?’

“What about it, bitch? I’m a monkey! Seriously though, I am full of joy and gratitude.”

This has “box-office hit” written all over it. Bravo.

Better Man is a warts-and-all biopic of Robbie’s life in which the singer is portrayed as a CGI monkey[/caption]
Comedian Leigh Francis attended the do[/caption]
Laura Whitmore at Leicester Square for the biopic’s premiere[/caption]
The Take That singer’s ex Nicole Appleton on the red carpet[/caption]
Natalie Appleton was also in attendance[/caption]

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