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'Big Four' salaries: How much accountants and consultants make at Deloitte, PwC, KPMG, and EY

Even an entry-level consultant at the "Big Four" can earn over $200,000.
  • The "Big Four" accounting firms employ about 1.5 million people worldwide. 
  • Many of these employees make six-figure salaries and are eligible for annual bonuses.  
  • Business Insider analyzed data to determine how much employees are paid at these firms. 

The so called "Big Four" accounting firms — Deloitte, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), KPMG, and Ernst & Young (EY) — are known for paying their staff high salaries. 

An entry-level consultant who just graduated from business school can make over $200,000 a year at the four firms when you include base salary, bonuses, and relocation expenses. 

Several of these firms have faced layoffs and implemented hiring freezes over the past year as demand for consulting services has waned. Still, they're a good bet for anyone looking to land a six-figure job straight out of school. 

Business Insider analyzed the US Office of Foreign Labor Certification's 2023 disclosure data for permanent and temporary foreign workers to find out what PwC, KPMG, EY, and Deloitte paid US-based employees for jobs ranging from entry-level to executive roles. We looked through entries specifically for roles related to management consulting and accounting. This data does not reflect performance bonuses, signing bonuses, and compensation other than base salaries.

Here's how much Deloitte, PwC, KPMG, and EY paid their hires.  

Deloitte paid senior managers between $91,603 to $288,000
Deloitte offers its top manager salaries close to mid six figures.

With 457,000 employees worldwide, Deloitte employs the most people of any of the 'Big Four.' It pulled in close to $64.9 billion in revenue for the 2023 fiscal year, marking a 9.4% increase from 2022.

Deloitte did not immediately respond to a request for comment on its salary data or 2024 hiring plans.

Here are the salary ranges for consulting and accounting roles: 

  • Analyst: $49,219 to $337,500 (includes advisory, business, project delivery, management, and systems)
  • Senior business analyst: $97,739 
  • Audit and assurance senior assistant: average $58,895
  • Consultant: $54,475 to $125,000 (includes advisory, technology strategy, and strategic services)  
  • Global business process lead: $180,000 
  • Senior consultant: average $122,211
  • Manager: average $152,971
  • Tax manager: average $117,268
  • Senior manager: $91,603 to $288,000  
  • Managing director: average $326,769
  • Tax managing director: average $248,581
  • Principal: $225,000 to $875,000
Principals at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) can make well over $1 million.

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) is a global professional services firm with over 370,000 employees worldwide. The firm reported a revenue of more than $53 billion for the 2023 fiscal year, marking a 5.6% increase from 2022. 

PwC did not immediately respond to a request for comment on its salary data or 2024 hiring plans.

Here are the salary ranges for both consulting and accounting roles. 

  • Associate: $68,000 to $145,200
  • Senior associate: $72,000 to $197,000 
  • Manager: $114,300 to $231,000
  • Senior manager: $142,000 to $251,000 
  • Director: $165,000 to $400,000  
  • Managing director: $260,000 to $330,600
  • Principal: $1,081,182 to $1,376,196
KPMG offers managing directors anywhere between $230,000 to $485,000
KPMG managing directors can earn close to half a million.

KPMG has over 273,000 employees worldwide. The firm reported a revenue of $36 billion for the 2023 fiscal year, marking a 5% increase from 2022. 

KPMG did not immediately respond to a request for comment on its salary data or 2024 hiring plans.

Here are the salary ranges for consultants, accountants, and leadership at KPMG. 

  • Associate: $61,000 to $140,000
  • Senior associate: $66,248 to $215,000
  • Director: $155,600 to $260,000
  • Associate director: $155,700 to $196,600 
  • Specialist director: $174,000 to $225,000
  • Lead specialist: $140,500 to $200,000
  • Senior specialist: $134,000 to $155,000
  • Manager: $99,445 to $293,800
  • Senior manager: $110,677 to $332,800
  • Managing director: $230,000 to $485,000
Statisticians at Ernst & Young (EY) make salaries ranging between $66,000 to $283,500.
EY spends $500 million annually on learning for its employees.

EY employs close to 400,000 people worldwide. For the 2023 fiscal year, the firm reported a record revenue of $49.4 billion, marking a 9.3% jump from 2022. 

The firm did not immediately respond to a request for comment on its salary data or 2024 hiring plans.

Here are the salary ranges for consultants, accountants, auditors, and chief executives at the firm: 

  • Accountants and auditors: $54,000 to $390,000
  • Appraisers and assessors of real estate: $166,626 to $185,444
  • Computer systems analyst: $62,000 to $367,510
  • Management analyst: $49,220 to $337,500
  • Statistician: $66,000 to $283,500
  • Financial risk specialist: $62,000 to $342,400
  • Actuaries: $84,800 to $291,459
  • Economist: $77,000 to $141,000
  • Logisticians: $72,000 t0 $275,000
  • Mathematicians: $165,136 to $377,000
  • Computer and information systems manager: $136,167 to $600,000
  • Financial manager: average $320,000

Aman Kidwai and Weng Cheong contributed to an earlier version of this post. 

Read the original article on Business Insider

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