Paramount+ is now offering a 7-day free trial promotion for new subscribers, giving fans the ability to watch a ton of soccer fans (and other content) for free.
After the 7-day trial, Paramount+ is just $7.99 per month.
Paramount+ features more than 2,000 live matches each year. In addition to Serie A, the extensive portfolio of soccer properties also includes EFL Championship, EFL League One, EFL League Two, Coppa Italia, UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League and UEFA Europa Conference League; NWSL; and much more.
Paramount+ includes exclusive original programs such as: Halo, Star Trek: Discovery, Frasier, Lawmen: Bass Reeves, and Evil, as well as movies including Mean Girls, Mission: Impossible Dead Reckoning and more. You can also stream CBSN (CBS News), CBS Sports HQ and ET Live, as well as — with the Premium Plan — your local CBS network.
Paramount+ is available on PC or Mac as well as Roku, iPhone and Android phones, Apple TV, Chromecast, Amazon Fire TV, PlayStation 4, Samsung smart TV, Vizio and XBOX One.
Here are the steps to sign up for your 7-day free trial to Paramount+:
1. After clicking the ‘Try It Free’ button, you’ll see the following page that explains the two choices you’ll find. Click ‘Continue’ to be presented with the options:
2. Choose between the ‘Paramount+ Essential’ or ‘Paramount+ With Showtime’ options. If you want to save over 15% with an annual plan, click the Annual option. Then hit ‘Continue’ to move on.
3. Next, you’ll need to create a free Paramount+ account:
4. Enter your contact details, and click ‘Continue’ to move to the next step.
5. The following page explains the free 7-day trial:
6. Enter your payment details and then click ‘Start Paramount+’ to begin your free trial.
How to watch anywhere with VPN
If you’re abroad, you may need to use a virtual private network (VPN) in order to watch games using your usual streaming service. A VPN, such as NordVPN, allows you to establish a secure connection online when streaming. If you are not sure which VPN to use, check out World Soccer Talk’s guide to the best VPNs for streaming soccer.
Free resources available to you
World Soccer Talk is the number one destination in the United States for soccer television and streaming information. We recommend that you bookmark our soccer games on TV today page as well as subscribing to our free daily email newsletter that includes TV schedules and the latest soccer news and opinion from around the world.
To find out when soccer games are on, download the free Soccer TV Schedules App which includes listings of all of the live soccer matches available in the United States (available on Apple iOS devices and Android devices).
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