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Синоптики спрогнозировали облачность и небольшой снег в Москве 18 февраля

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Every pensioner in Scotland to get Winter Fuel Payment of up to £300 next year

EVERY pensioner in Scotland is set to get a Winter Fuel Payment of up to £300 next year.

The Scottish Government confirmed this afternoon that all retirees in the country would be entitled to a cash boost.

Residents in Scotland will receive the benefit from next year

It follows a decision by the UK Chancellor Rachel Reeves to means-test the fund which hands £300 to the elderly to help with heating costs.

It means that only those claiming benefits such as Pension Credit will receive the money this winter.

But now in Scotland next year, every pensioner will receive between £100 and £300 cash.

From 2025, those in receipt of qualifying benefits would get £200 or £300 depending on their age, while all other pensioners would get £100.

The devolved benefit, if it is passed, is expected to come into force by next winter and will help nearly 1million Scottish pensioners who were cut off from the winter fuel payment.

In Scotland, the new benefit will be known as the winter heating payment (PAWHP).

The funding will also come from the new Holyrood benefit, which will not be available until next year.

Social Justice Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville said Scotland would “not abandon older people this winter or any winter”.

“We will do our best to make sure no one has to make a decision between heating and eating, and we will continue to protect pensioners.”

It comes as the Scottish government also announced an extra £20m in welfare funding for councils in this financial year.

On top of that, it also said it would pump £20million into the Warmer Homes Scotland Scheme.

The decision has been welcomed by charity groups such as Independent Age, who are not asking governments in England and the rest of the UK to do the same.

Joanna Elson CBE, chief executive of Independent Age said: Welcome as the announcement from Scotland is, it will not allay fears for older people living on a low income now as they brace for the colder temperatures over the next few months.

“It is essential that governments across the nations ensure that older people in financial hardship are not left out in the cold.”

In England and Wales, only those on means-tested benefits can now claim the support.

This has led to an uptick in the number of elderly people claiming Pension Credit, a benefit which tops up the State Pensions of those on low income.

Yearly energy bills will rise from £1,717 to £1,738 come January because of Ofegm’s price cap, placing further pressure on households.

What if I don’t live in Scotland?

There are plenty of support measures in place for households worried about their heating costs this winter,

If your weekly income is below £218.15 if you are single or £332.95 if you are married or living with a partner then you should apply for Pension Credit.

It is thought over 800,000 pensioners could be eligible for the support but do not claim.

Households looking to claim the support can do so over the phone or via the post.

If you want to apply online you can visit, https://apply-for-pension-credit.service.gov.uk/apply-citizen-ui/start.

What’s more, if households apply for Pension Credit by December 21 they still have a chance to get the Winter Fuel Payment.

That is because claims for Pension Credit can be backdated for up to three months.

Applying by this date means your claim meets the qualifying week of September 16-22.

It’s important to remember that you will have to request that your claim is backdated for three months when you apply.

If you don’t tick the box asking to have it backdated, then it won’t happen automatically.

Households can also get support through the Household Support Fund.

The scheme, which is funded by the Department for Work and Pensions, was first launched in 2021 but has been extended many times.

what you’re able to access depends on whereabouts you live, and the money will either be given to you as a direct cash transfer, shopping vouchers or in another form.

To find out what you may be eligible for, visit your local council’s website.

If you’re unsure of the name of your council, find out using the Government’s council locator tool.

Funding is given to local councils to distribute, so the amount handed out varies across the country.

But in the past, some families have had up to £500 help.

4 ways to keep your energy bills low

Laura Court-Jones, Small Business Editor at Bionic shared her tips.

1. Turn your heating down by one degree

You probably won’t even notice this tiny temperature difference, but what you will notice is a saving on your energy bills as a result. Just taking your thermostat down a notch is a quick way to start saving fast. This one small action only takes seconds to carry out and could potentially slash your heating bills by £171.70.

2. Switch appliances and lights off 

It sounds simple, but fully turning off appliances and lights that are not in use can reduce your energy bills, especially in winter. Turning off lights and appliances when they are not in use, can save you up to £20 a year on your energy bills

3. Install a smart meter

Smart meters are a great way to keep control over your energy use, largely because they allow you to see where and when your gas and electricity is being used.

4. Consider switching energy supplier

No matter how happy you are with your current energy supplier, they may not be providing you with the best deals, especially if you’ve let a fixed-rate contract expire without arranging a new one. If you haven’t browsed any alternative tariffs lately, then you may not be aware that there are better options out there.

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