Other big names on the card include KSI‘s brother Deji as he makes a stunning return after over a year out of the ring.
The YouTube star is taking on Dawood Savage in one of the most eagerly-anticipated bouts of the night.
TikTok sensation HS Tikky Tokky was due to fight this evening but it’s unclear whether or not he will take to the ring.
Is HS Tikky Tokky fighting on Misfits Boxing 19 card?
HS Tikky Tokky was due to fight Masia Warrior on tonight’s huge Misfits supercard.
But speculation over the TikTok star withdrawing from the fight began last night when he took to Instagram to say he ‘injured his shoulder’ and that he ‘couldn’t scrap tomorrow’.
However, there was another twist on the day of the fight when HS Tikky Tokky posted a video on X with the caption, “IF I GET A KO TONIGHT IM GIVING A BAG TO SOMEONE WHO LKS RRRTTTS N COMMENTS MUST BE FOLLLLLLLOWING.”
This post suggested that the fight was still going ahead until DAZN revealed the running order of tonight’s show, and it did not include HS Tikky Tokky’s fight.
The official running order suggests that we will not see the TikTok star’s fight with Masia Warrior this evening.
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