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Three top UK chefs leading race to replace Gregg Wallace on MasterChef – as fans call for show shake up

THREE top chefs are in the “running” to take over Greg Wallace on MasterChef as fans call for major shake-up.

The Sun revealed that the the MasterChef co-host, 60, has stepped down from his role amid a BBC probe.

James Martin is an early favourite to take over from Gregg Wallace on MasterChef
Gregg has stepped down from his role amid a BBC probe[/caption]

Gregg was first accused of making “inappropriate sexual comments” to a female BBC staffer on Impossible Celebrities.

Some 13 people who worked with Gregg across a range of shows over a 17-year period have now accused him of making sexual comments, the BBC confirmed today.

Saturday Morning host James Martin is considered the early favourite to take over the top job from Greg.

Popular chef James, 52, is 2/1 favourite according to the latest odds at bookmaker Coral.

“James Martin tops our betting to make a return to the BBC for MasterChef. He is the early favourite to be the next presenter, with Matt Tebbutt and Ainsley Harriott also likely to be the in the running, according to our odds,” said Coral’s John Hill.

James leads a star-studded list of potential replacements for the BBC show.

Kitchen Nightmares star Gordon Ramsay, 58, isn’t far behind, with odds of 5/1, while Italian chef and This Morning favourite Gino D’Acampo is also a contender on 6/1, according to TG Casino.

While other fans are demanding a major show shake-up.

Many fans are keen for John Torode to also leave and just to just have Monica Galetti and Marcus Wareing.

Fans took to reddit, with one writing: “Perhaps they’ll replace him with a chef or food critic. Can they replace John too?”

A second said: “I think it’s time for John to go too and we can have some fresh faces on the show.”

Among the complainants is BBC Newsnight host Kirsty Wark, who said he told “sexualised” jokes during filming on Celebrity MasterChef in 2011.

The broadcaster told how she feels strongly that the comments were “really, really in the wrong place”.

Times Radio presenter and 2017 Celebrity MasterChef contestant Aasmah Mir today posted a cryptic message after the news broke, saying: “Always keep your receipts.”

Other allegations include Gregg talking openly about his sex life, taking his top off in front of a junior staffer and telling another young colleague he wasn’t wearing any pants.

BBC News today confirmed they launched a probe into Gregg in the summer after claims were made regarding five shows between 2005 to 2022.

Gregg’s lawyers have branded the latest claims as false but the MasterChef host was asked to step away from the hit cooking series while a separate investigation is carried out.

MasterChef production company Banijay UK said complaints have been made this week in relation to “historical allegations” of misconduct while on the show.

The company has now launched its own “immediate, external review” into his so-called behaviour.

Recorded episodes of MasterChef: The Professionals featuring Gregg will still be shown as planned despite the development.

The company said: “While this review is underway, Gregg Wallace will be stepping away from his role on MasterChef and is committed to fully cooperating throughout the process.

“Banijay UK’s duty of care to staff is always a priority and our expectations regarding behaviour are made clear to both cast and crew on all productions, with multiple ways of raising concerns, including anonymously, clearly promoted on set.

“Whilst these are historical allegations, incidences brought to our attention where these expectations are not met, are thoroughly investigated and addressed appropriately.”

The Sun told how the Gregg first landed himself in hot water with BBC bosses in 2018 for taking off his top and bragging about romps.

He was hauled into a meeting accused of making “inappropriate sexual comments” to a female staffer on BBC game show Impossible Celebrities.

After the complaints were raised, Gregg admitted he had made comments but denied they were sexual.

He also emphasised that he loved his wife Anne-Marie Sterpini, who he wed in 2016.

The TV star said: “With reference to what’s in the newspapers, these allegations were investigated by the BBC six years ago.

“The allegations were investigations six years ago and my comments were found to be not sexual.

“I repeat, not sexual. Thank you everybody for your time.

“I don’t want anybody to misunderstand this and make it look like I was flirting with somebody. Nobody accused me of that and I never have.”

Gregg has presented MasterChef alongside John Torode since 2005 and also hosts spin-offs Celebrity MasterChef and MasterChef: The Professionals.

Gordon Ramsay isn’t far behind, with odds of 5/1
This Morning favourite Gino D’Acampo is also a contender on 6/1[/caption]

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