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Pretty much all of the best robot vacuums out there are at new record-low pricing for Black Friday

UPDATE: Nov. 22, 2024, 11:30 a.m. EST This story has been updated with new deals now that Amazon's Black Friday sale has officially started.

The best Black Friday robot vacuum deals at a glance

Best non self-emptying deal
Eufy L60
$179.99 at Amazon (save $100)

Best budget self-emptying deal
iRobot Roomba Combo i5+
$299 at Amazon (save $250.99)

Best premium deal
Roborock Qrevo S
$459.99 at Amazon (save $340)

Yet another Black Friday is basically here, with its arrival often bringing flashbacks to last year's frantic shopping — including the items that you didn't end up buying, and then wished you had all year. If a robot vacuum didn't make the cut last year, let Black Friday 2024 be the time to finally treat yourself to a significantly shorter chore list.

After dealing with your current bumbling vacuum all year, there's no reason to wait until Nov. 29 to find an upgrade-worthy robot vacuum deal. At this point, "Black Friday" is basically code for "the entire month of November." Retailers like Best Buy, Walmart, and Target have been in official Black Friday mode for weeks now, and Amazon finally rounded out the kickoff with the start of its Black Friday event on Nov. 21.

Black Friday deals are making high-end vacs super accessible

The robot vacs getting attention deals-wise this Black Friday are packed with high-end features — ones you may have previously been fine to settle without just because, at full price, they're a really intimidating investment. I'm personally eyeing the number of options that bring home smart mapping and small obstacle avoidance (no more eaten phone chargers) and self-washing and drying mopping pads in the $500 to $700 range. Considering the latter two features in that trio I just rattled off were once so newfangled that they were only available in the $1,000+ range, these sale prices are ones to hop on without hesitation. And FWIW, several robot vacuums are already beating their previous record-low pricing that we saw during October Prime Day — and unlike Prime Day, no membership is needed to access these deals.

Below, I'm tracking the robot vacuum deals live the week before Black Friday. Deals are organized into two sections: robot vacuums that don't mop and robot vacuum and mop combos, with self-emptying docks noted when applicable. Within each category, all robot vacuum deals are ordered by price from cheapest to most premium. (Need help deciding which robot vacuum to buy? I have some guidelines.)

This list will be updated weekly with new deals in the lead-up to Black Friday week, so check back frequently to see if the model you're eyeing drops. Note: Any deal marked with a 🔥 has dropped to a record-low price at Amazon.

Best robot vacuum deal ahead of Black Friday

iRobot Roomba Combo i5+
$299.00 at Amazon
$549.99 Save $250.99

Why we like it

This nearly 50% off discount on the Roomba Combo j5+ is stellar at first glance, but it looks like an even sweeter deal when compared to the current deal on the cheapest self-emptying Roomba, the Roomba Vac 2. For $249.99, that bare-bones Roomba doesn't mop and can't smart map your house. For $299 — just $50 more — the Roomba Combo i5+ can mop and can smart map to clean specific rooms in your home on command. If $300 is your budget cap for a new robot vacuum, spending that extra $50 is a no-brainer.

The only downside to choosing the Combo i5+ over the more advanced Combo j5+ that was on sale last week is that the i series Roombas don't have small obstacle avoidance technology, so they can't dodge things on the floor like charging cords or pet waste. However, if your home is already pretty tidy as it is, or you're down to deal with tidying up ahead of vacuuming, the Combo i5+ is a total steal at this price.

More robot vacuums (that don't mop) on sale

Robot vacuum and mop combos on sale

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