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‘I’m ready to be part of this class action!!!’: Amazon Prime customer cancels membership after discovering shopping is cheaper without one

If you think your Amazon Prime membership saves you money, one TikToker says you might want to double-check your shopping cart.

In a video with over a million views, TikToker and former Amazon Prime member LoveTheLawrences_ (@lovethelawrences_) says she canceled her subscription because she believes the service is "fraudulent."

Her revelation comes after sending a friend an Amazon link to drill bits so he could verify if they are a good deal.

"He says, 'Yeah, get them. They're only $12,'" she says. But looking at the price on her account, the drill bits are $16. The only difference between their accounts? She is a Prime member, but he is not.

"He gets a discount on the products. I have to pay additional," she continues. "I thought my Amazon Prime membership covered the two-day shipping. But it does not. I find that to be fraudulent."

According to Amazon's website, the cost of a Prime membership covers free two-day shipping. However, commenters validate the TikToker's suspicions about the member price being elevated to cover the shipping cost.

"Yes the shipping cost is built into the price. Prime is not a savings," one wrote.

"All this time I thought I had free shipping!!!!" another said.

The TikToker isn't the only one to notice pricing discrepancies between Prime members and non-members. The Daily Dot previously reported on another TikTok showing higher Prime member prices.

Amazon Prime is no stranger to legal issues, stemming from what customers say are broken promises and misleading policies. The United States Federal Trade Commission recently sued Amazon over what it claims are "manipulative, coercive or deceptive user-interface designs known as 'dark patterns' to trick consumers into enrolling in automatically renewing Prime subscriptions.” The trial will occur in June 2025.

In the comments of LoveTheLawrences_ video, some suggest the pricing issue could be the next class action lawsuit against Amazon.

"So file a lawsuit. Thats a class action right there. You’ll also notice that the more you purchase an item, the more expensive it gets with subsequent purchases," one wrote.

"I’m ready to be part of this class action!!!" another remarked.

Amazon Prime members respond

In the comments section, Amazon Prime members shared their own gripes with the service.

"They tell you a certain shipping date and then after you made the purchase they change it. and now all their shows n documentaries are behind to pay wall, over it," a viewer said.

"Damn that’s to cover the shipping. They are scamming us. Dropping Prime," another wrote.

Others said they've also canceled their memberships.

"I cancelled mine a few months ago! Amazon is not what it used to be," one wrote.

"Once I realized my purchases did not arrive in the time stated I cancelled," another said.

"Prime told me i saved $140 the entire year. When it costs $140 per year. so I cancelled it bc my stuff wasn't even coming on time and sometimes they wouldn't refund my money for returns," a third added.

@lovethelawrences_ I need answers, Jeff. Why am I just now finding out that Amazon items cost MORE with a Prime membership??? #amazonprime #amazonmusthaves ♬ original sound - LoveTheLawrences_

The Daily Dot reached out to LoveTheLawrences_ via TikTok direct message and comment, as well as to Amazon via email.

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The post ‘I’m ready to be part of this class action!!!’: Amazon Prime customer cancels membership after discovering shopping is cheaper without one appeared first on The Daily Dot.

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