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Kristen Cavallari Wages War (or Stages Koup) on the Kardashians

On Tuesday, Kristin Cavallari staged a Kardashian koup on the latest episode of her podcast, Let's Be Honest.

The reality star turned entrepreneur told listeners she recently received a series of DMs from former party buddy, Scott Disick. As it turns out, the pair have a bit of history thanks to some pesky rumors that they once hooked up before becoming boring parents. Cavallari claims it not only never happened, but theorized that Disick planted the stories about their alleged hookup to get back at then-ex-girlfriend, Kourtney Kardashian.

“What interesting timing that I get a DM on Instagram from Scott fucking Disick,” Cavallari said. “And I’m going to read it to you guys because I don’t give a flying fuck anymore. They’ve fucked with me for these many years, and you don’t get to just do this." How exactly have they fucked with Cavallari? For starters, by never clearing up the hookup rumor because they love a salacious headline too much.

"I remember at the time, I was so pissed about this rumor because it wasn't fucking true," Cavallari said. "So I did an interview, and I said, ‘You know, the Kardashians have had every opportunity to just simply say it’s not true, but they haven't.' And I think at the time Kim [Kardashian] was getting a divorce from Kris Humphries, and this was a great distraction. And you know, they always have a motive."

In a previous podcast episode, Cavallari also spoke about how the family was obsessed with maintaining fame.

"You're so addicted to fame, you'll do anything to have people talk about you," she ranted. "Just fucking stay home and enjoy your life. Where are your morals and your values? You're moms now."

Cavallari recalled that, back in the day, Disick actually introduced her to the oldest Kardashian. “Kourtney and I became really good friends,” she said. “I really loved Kourtney. We had so much fun together. I liked her a lot.” But then Cavallari went on a Vegas trip with friends, including Disick, during one of his and Kourtney's breakups, and that's when the rumors started.

“I know for a fact [he did this] to piss off Kourtney,” Cavallari claimed on Tuesday's episode. “A lot of times when a girl sees that a guy has moved on, they’re like, ‘I want him back.’ And it worked. They got back together.”

"I was never alone with Scott," Cavallari continued. "Not even for one fucking minute was I alone with Scott.” Still, the tabloids persisted as only they could in the early aughts and the entire affair ruined any kind of kinship she had with Kardashian.

Since then, Cavallari said she hasn't exactly had kind things to say about the family — especially of late. Now, she claims Disick has reached out in an act of manipulation. For what exactly? Well, I presume to get her to stop being mean about his meal train. Then again, wouldn't he then have to slide into the DMs of half the world? Well...


“Hey! It’s been such a long time, it’s crazy. Kind of crazy how our lives ended up being kind of similar,” Cavallari read the alleged message from her phone. “I feel like it would be so good to see you and catch up and talk about the things you’ve got to go through with kids and changing your life around over and over. I really miss you though and wish I would have reached out earlier just been busy trying to be the best dad I can be.” Sorry, but lol.

The message then concludes: “I don’t have time for much but trying to think about myself a little bit again. Trying, anyway. Hope to hear from you. Just text me so it’s easier to chat.”

In addition to musing whether or not Disick's former mother-in-law (kind of) Kris Jenner wrote the messages (likely!) for him, Cavallari called the gesture the “most manipulative” thing and claimed it was “classic textbook manipulation control bullshit” for him to suddenly reach out after over a decade of silence. Disick hasn't responded to Cavallari’s claims.

“Scott, you miss me after 17 years?” Cavallari sarcastically asked. “No, that timing is not lost on me that as I’m ripping on the Kardashians, calling them out for shit, now they want to send in Scott.”

The revelation about her history with the Kardashian Klan is hardly Cavallari's most shocking this month. A few weeks ago, she confirmed on TikTok that she once hooked up with Jason Statham and, embarrassingly, "kept going back" to Morgan Wallen.

Listen. I'm with her on this one

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