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Marks and Spencer has AXED popular Christmas giveaway to Sparks customers – and shoppers will be fuming

MARKS and Spencer has axed a popular Christmas giveaway offering freebies and a top £10,000 prize.

The upmarket retailer has confirmed its “12 Days of M&S” digital advent calendar won’t be making a return this festive period.

M&S has axed its 12 days of M&S Christmas giveaway game[/caption]

It was available through the Sparks app, seeing shoppers open 12 virtual doors, one for every day between December 1 and 12.

Behind each door was a prize, with prosecco, gin, Percy Pigs and clothes up for grabs in previous years.

There wasn’t a prize behind every door and shoppers were sometimes presented with discounts on food, wine and clothing.

After opening all 12 doors, customers were entered into a competition to win a £10,000 M&S gift card.

However, M&S has confirmed the digital advent calendar won’t be making a return this year in a blow for shoppers.

A spokesperson added: “This Christmas, all of our Sparks customers will enjoy festive offers to add some magic and sparkle to their festive shopping experience, however and whenever they choose to shop with us.

“This is just one of the ways we’re simplifying the shopping experience for our customers throughout the festive period and continuing to transform our loyalty scheme, Sparks – to make it even better and more relevant to our customers.”

The spokesperson said shoppers can get festive offers via the Sparks app from today in-store and online.

Up for grabs are 20% discounts on nightwear, throws, footwear and more.

In other news, M&S has unveiled its Christmas range for 2024 with a festive favourite making a return.

Consumer editor Lynsey Barber got a first try of the range before it hit shelves.

More recently, M&S shoppers have been left devastated after finding out the retailer has slashed a popular treat.

Customers will no longer find the iconic Percy Pig chocolate bombe online or in supermarkets after it was discontinued.

M&S is instead signposting shoppers to its Rudolph and Snowman bombe options.


M&S ditching the 12 Days of M&S calendar is not the first change it has made in recent months.

The posh retailer axed a number of lucrative benefits for its credit card customers this month, The Sun exclusively revealed.

The changes to the M&S Club Rewards scheme, which charges £10 a month, saw free next-day delivery, normally worth £5.99, cut.

The shake-up also means customers now earn less extra reward points when using their credit card abroad.

Instead of earning three points for every £1 spent in local currency, members will instead earn one point for every £5 spent.

Also this month, M&S said it would be rolling out “assisted belted checkouts” across 45 of its Food Halls in a shock move.

Shoppers have been left divided over the decision, with some craving a human interaction at the tills.

One said: “Looks like I won’t be shopping in M&S anymore if I have to do the work myself.”

Another added: “I always head for a human [when shopping], but it’s getting harder to find one, and I’m the kiss of death on self-service.”

How to save money on Christmas shopping

Consumer reporter Sam Walker reveals how you can save money on your Christmas shopping.

Limit the amount of presents – buying presents for all your family and friends can cost a bomb.

Instead, why not organise a Secret Santa between your inner circles so you’re not having to buy multiple presents.

Plan ahead – if you’ve got the stamina and budget, it’s worth buying your Christmas presents for the following year in the January sales.

Make sure you shop around for the best deals by using price comparison sites so you’re not forking out more than you should though.

Buy in Boxing Day sales – some retailers start their main Christmas sales early so you can actually snap up a bargain before December 25.

Delivery may cost you a bit more, but it can be worth it if the savings are decent.

Shop via outlet stores – you can save loads of money shopping via outlet stores like Amazon Warehouse or Office Offcuts.

They work by selling returned or slightly damaged products at a discounted rate, but usually any wear and tear is minor.

Do you have a money problem that needs sorting? Get in touch by emailing money-sm@news.co.uk.

Plus, you can join our Sun Money Chats and Tips Facebook group to share your tips and stories

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