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My parents died of a ‘silent killer’ within WEEKS of each other – months later I faced the same fight for life

 A WOMAN whose parents died from sepsis within eight weeks of each other developed the same life-threatening condition just four months later.

Lyndsey Feeney, 45, lost both her parents Archie, 73, and Cathy, 72, in April and July 2024.

Lyndsey was still grieving her parents deaths when she was admitted into hospital believing she had a kidney infection[/caption]
Through her heartbreak, Lyndsey hopes to spread the message about the importance of recognising the symptoms of sepsis[/caption]
Lyndsey Feeney, 45, developed the same life-threatening condition just four months after her parents died[/caption]

Lyndsey was still grieving them when she was admitted into hospital believing she had a kidney infection.

But she feared she would lose her own life when she was then diagnosed with urosepsis – caused by a urinary tract infection.

Sepsis is a life-threatening condition where the body’s response to an infection causes widespread inflammation, leading to organ damage or failure.

But Lyndsey has made a recovery after spending five days in hospital.

Lyndsey, who is on disability allowance because of mental health conditions, from Larkhall, South Lanarkshire, Scotland, said: “I was lucky enough to catch mine early.

“But many people like my mother and father aren’t so fortunate.

“I think there needs to be more awareness about the illness.

“It was really horrible, losing both of them so close together – I still haven’t come to terms with it.

“To lose them both like that out of nowhere was very crushing, and when I got sepsis I feared I would go the same way.”

Lyndsey’s dad, Archie, went into hospital when he fell and hurt his arm in April 2024.

He was in otherwise good health apart from having vascular disease but deteriorated rapidly.

After six days in the hospital, he developed cellulitis that led to sepsis.

Lyndsey said: “They put him to sleep as he’d become delirious and was pulling out his IVs. We were told he’d wake up, but his organs started shutting down.”

Archie passed away on April 26, 2024 from septic shock.

Lyndsey said: “It was awful and very hard to come to terms with.”

But barely two months later, her mother, Cathy, fell ill in June 2024.

Lyndsey said: “Mum had been very confused and lethargic, so my sister Debbie called an ambulance, but they didn’t arrive until nearly 3am.”

Cathy was admitted to the hospital and passed away just 16 hours later.

She said: “She had severe sepsis, urinary sepsis, and multi-organ failure.

“She’d had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease for ten years, but apart from that, she was in reasonably good health.”

Lyndsey believes the trauma of Archie’s death may have contributed to her mother’s rapid decline.

But the infection struck again when she started getting back pain, a high temperature, and had difficulty passing urine in November 2024.

She was admitted to hospital on November 8 and was treated with antibiotics for urosepsis and closely monitored.

Lyndsey is now home but still has lingering back pain.

She said: “By the time I came out of the hospital, I felt much better.

“I was really lucky to have caught it early, but I’m still scared it could happen again.”

Lyndsey is calling for greater awareness of the condition.

She said: “They call it the silent killer for a reason. If it’s not caught early enough, there’s nothing that can be done.”

Through her heartbreak, Lyndsey hopes to spread the message about the importance of recognising the symptoms of sepsis – severe pain, high fever, rapid heart rate, confusion, and lethargy.

Despite her own health challenges and the weight of her grief, Lyndsey is determined to honour her parents by raising awareness about the condition that took them.

She said: “It’s devastating, but if sharing my story can help save someone else, then it’s worth it.

“My husband and three children Chloe, 24, William, 21, and Emma, 17, have been so supportive, I couldn’t have done it without them.”

What are the symptoms of sepsis?

  1. Extreme shivering or muscle pain
  2. Passing no urine (in a day)
  3. Slurred speech or confusion
  4. Severe breathlessness
  5. It feels like you’re going to die
  6. Skin mottled or discoloured
Lyndsey Feeney and her husband Stuart who she says has been very supportive during her health battle[/caption]
Lyndsey is calling for greater awareness of the condition by raising awareness of the symptoms[/caption]

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