Sunny Edwards and Galal Yafai are set to clash in a big domestic dust-up
Hoping to upset the apple cart here is Tokyo 2020 Olympic gold-medallist Yafai, whose brothers Gamal and Kai also fought as professional boxers, the latter of which was world champion.
Galal will be aiming to follow in his brother’s footsteps but faces a tough task against Edwards, who is three years younger but has double the pro fights under his belt.
Keep reading for all the info you need as Matchroom Boxing bring Edwards vs Yafai in Birmingham.
When is Edwards vs Yafai?
Edwards’ big clash against Yafai will take place on Saturday, November 30.
The fight will be held at the Resorts World Arena in Birmingham.
The main card will get going at 7pm GMT, with the prelims to start at 4.15pm GMT.
Edwards and Yafai will make their ring-walks at approximately 10.45pm GMT.
What channel is it and can it be live streamed?
Yafai vs Edwards will be shown live on DAZN in the UK and across the globe.
You can live stream all of the action from the DAZN app, which is available for download onto your mobile or tablet device.
An annual subsctrion to DAZN will set you back £89.99, down from £119.99, if you take up their Black Friday deal.
A montly subscription costs £14.99-a-month.
Full card
Sunny Edwards vs. Galal Yafai; for vacant WBC Interim world flyweight crown
Conah Walker vs. Lewis Ritson; Welterweight
Kieron Conway vs. Ryan Kelly; for vacant Commonwealth middleweight title
Cameron Vuong vs. Gavin Gwynne, Lightweight
Hamza Uddin vs. Benn Norman; Flyweight
Troy Jones vs. Michael Stephenson, for Jones’s English light heavyweight title
Aaron Bowen vs. James Todd; Middleweight
Ibraheem Sulaimaan vs. Marvin Solano; Super featherweight
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