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I’m a divorced mum & accidentally slept with a teen – I wanted to meet new pals but my one night stand left me disgusted

A DIVORCED single mother has revealed that she was on a mission to make some new friends, but in her pursuit, ‘accidentally’ slept with a teenager.

The 43-year-old woman explained that she now feels ‘disgusted’ after her one night stand with a 19-year-old man.

A single mother has revealed that after getting divorced and moving house, she was eager to make some new friends *stock image*[/caption]
But after a few drinks, things quickly got out of hand, and now the 43-year-old feels disgusted after sleeping with a man 24 years younger[/caption]
Mumsnet users were left divided by the woman’s actions[/caption]

The single mum, who has two teenage children, admitted she thought the man she was hopping into bed with was in his twenties – and added that one night stands are ‘very out of character’ for her.

Keen to reveal all on the situation, the anonymous woman took to parenting forum Mumsnet to explain what happened, leaving many open-mouthed.

The woman’s post read: “I have done something so bad, and I am really beating myself up over it. 

“I’m 43, divorced and a single mum of two teenagers

“Last year we moved into a new village and I have made a real effort to get to know people and make new friends. 

“I am really into fitness and have joined a circuit training group. This has also become part of my social life.”

She explained that recently, after a night out with her gym friends, she invited a few people back to her house for an after party while her children were staying with their father. 

She added: “The guy who runs the circuit training had a couple of friends with him. He is in his early 20s and I assumed that they were around the same age.

“To cut a very long story short, after a few more drinks and a lot of flirting with one of the guys who was there with the circuit leader, I ended up sleeping with one of them.

“This is very very out of character behaviour for me. I’m 43 and I haven’t had a one night stand since I was 20.”

However the next morning, the woman shared her uncertainty after finding out that the young man was actually 24 years younger than she – and was 19-years-old. 

Clearly shocked, she continued: “I literally felt my legs go jelly like. 

I feel really disgusted with myself and can’t stop thinking about what a massive mistake I have made

Reddit user

“I assumed that he was in his early 20s. I know that isn’t much older, however, it just feels different.” 

Unsure of what to do, she concluded: “I feel really disgusted with myself and can’t stop thinking about what a massive mistake I have made.

Which generation is having the most sex?

A new report has lifted the lid on bedroom antics.

The research, conducted by experts at Kinsey Institute at Indiana University, revealed the average number of times people of different generations have sex per month.

  • Gen Z – three times a month
  • Millennials – five times a month
  • Gen X – five times a month
  • Boomers – three times a month

“It certainly won’t be happening again.

“I get on well with the circuit training leader and spoke to him about it last night and he told me that I was overthinking it and that I was just having some fun.

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“I keep thinking that people would take a very dim view of what I have done if I was a man sleeping with a 19-year-old woman.

“Am I overthinking this?” 

Mumsnet users react

Mumsnet users were left stunned by the woman’s confession and many flocked to the comments to share their thoughts.

But people were totally divided by the mother’s actions – whilst some didn’t think she did anything wrong, others described her one night stand as ‘sleazy’. 

Don’t let it occupy your mind any further. You’ve done nothing wrong

Mumsnet user

One person said: “He’s over the age of consent. As long as neither of you were so drunk you couldn’t give consent, then I don’t see an issue. In fact I think good on you!”

Another added: “He is over the age of consent and now has a story to tell. You didn’t go out intending to sleep with him and didn’t ‘target‘ or groom him, it’s fine.”

Whilst someone else penned: “He’s over the legal age, he’s an adult. I know what you mean about it being weird because I’d feel a bit blergh too, but what can you do now? 

“Don’t let it occupy your mind any further. You’ve done nothing wrong.”

It’s not illegal but it is sleazy

Mumsnet user

Despite this, at the same time, not everyone was as kind.

One user snapped: “If you were a 40 odd year old man sleeping with a 19 year old you would be called a sleaze and rightly so. 

“It’s not illegal but it is sleazy and people saying don’t beat yourself up are typical Mumsnet hypocrites.”

A second chimed in: “I don’t agree with all of the people saying that it’s OK because he is over the age of consent. I have a 19yo girl and would be horrified at the thought of her being with a 43yo man.”

Meanwhile, another agreed: “Bit weird. If it was a man I would say a typical dirty old man.”

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