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Prince William reveals son Louis is learning the drums as dad jokes he spends ‘entire life with fingers in ears’

PRINCE William revealed his son Louis is learning to play the drums and joked he spends his ‘entire life with his fingers in his ears’.

The Prince of Wales was a rock ‘n’ royal star this evening as he teamed up with music legends to help wildlife conservation.

Prince William revealed his son Louis is learning to play the drums[/caption]
The royal dad-of-three joked he spends his ‘entire life with my fingers in my ears’ now that his son Louis is learning to play the drums
William handed out three awards to winners at his 12th annual Tusk Conservation Awards at The Savoy, in London[/caption]

The royal dad-of-three handed out awards to winners at his 12th annual Tusk Conservation Awards at The Savoy, in London.

He was helped by Rolling Stones icon Ronnie Wood and Dire Straits guitarist Mark Knopfler and met during a pre-wards reception.

Tusk ambassador Wood, 77, previously sold a gorilla statue to raise funds for Tusk and Knopfler, 77, auctioned his guitars which raised £600,000 for the charity.

William said there “is a lot of creativity here” and joked they had enough to start a band.

The Prince said: “My youngest is learning the drums that’s why I spend my entire life with my fingers in my ears.”

Ronnie also told him that the gorilla auctioned for Tusk was given back to him and now sits in his garden.

Film producer Sally Humphreys Wood, 46, told William that she met his father the King last week at a BAFTA bash at Buckingham Palace.

And Knopfler, who was with wife Kittie Aldridge, 62, said he has 100 guitars left and hailed Christie’s for the auction for Tusk earlier this year.

William said to the rock stars “thank you for your support.”

He also spoke to sponsors including Land Rover and DHL about his Earthshot Prize in Cape Town.

Hearing from Nick Maugham Family foundation about conserving rare bongo antelopes, of which only around 100 remain in the wild, William said: “People forget how rare they are.”

And of the organisation’s efforts, William said he was very “excited,@ hailing it as a “huge conservation success.”

Speaking about his Earthshot Prize, the Prince of Wales told guests: “We have to scale it up and I’m working on a few things.”

William, royal patron of Tusk, warned in his speech that “tonight is a reminder that our planet continues to face terrifying environmental concerns”.

William said ‘we live in a world in which incredible wildlife exists and I want that for the generations that follow’[/caption]
Musicians Ronnie Wood (L) and Mark Knopfler greeted each other[/caption]
William chatting with music legends Ronnie Wood (L) and Mark Knopfler (2R) ahead of the ceremony[/caption]
The Prince delivered a four minute speech[/caption]

He hailed the award winners for reminding “us of the importance of living at peace with nature”.

And speaking of George, Charlotte and Louis, he said: “I want my children to live in a world where swallows still migrate, gorillas still live in the cloud forests of Uganda and rhinos still roam the arid rangelands of Namibia.”

He went on to present the Prince William Award for Conservation in Africa to Nomba Gname, The Tusk Award for Conservation in Africa to Edward Aruna and the Tusk Wildlife Ranger Award to Claver Ntoyinkima – who works for Prince Harry’s Africa Parks.

Idris Elba also attended the reception after arriving late and chatted to Wills about Earthshot Prize.

Prince William took to the stage to hand out all three awards.

Claver Ntoyinkima, of Rwanda’s Nyungwe National Park, works for Africa Parks whose President is Prince Harry, won the Wildlife Ranger Award.

In his acceptance speech he hailed the Africa Parks family and said the award was for everyone in the room.

Liz Bonnin host wildlife presenter of shows including Galapagos and Blue Planet Live hosted the awards.

The room fell into silence when big screens played the Roll of Honour listing the names of rangers killed in the line of duty.

The telly presenter told a packed room the world must “secure future where no more lives are lost.”

William then delivered his four minute speech and received a round of applause.


By Matt Wilkinson

In a speech, Prince William said: “It is an absolute pleasure to be here tonight to celebrate The 12th Tusk Conservation Awards.

“As ever, the Tusk Awards shine a light on a handful of the remarkable people who work on the frontline of conservation.

“I’m sure you will all agree with me that the short films we have just watched beautifully bring to life the work of this year’s winners.

“Their extraordinary stories are ones of unwavering determination to protect Africa’s natural world, even in the face of multiple challenges.

“Tonight is a reminder that our planet continues to face terrifying environmental concerns from climate change and habitat destruction to the exploitation of natural resources and an alarming downward trend in global biodiversity.

“Rainforests the size of countries are disappearing. And one million species are at risk of extinction mostly due to human activity.

“Now is the time to support those globally that work to prevent future generations from becoming disconnected from nature we must invest in the natural world around us and understand the value it has for us all, both now and in the future.

“That is why the insight and knowledge of the award winners tonight is so important. They should guide and inspire us all to drive change.

“They remind us of the importance of living at peace with nature.

“This is why it is so crucial that we do everything in our power to support the individuals who protect the natural world.

“This has come into even sharper focus over the past two years, following the murder of Anton Mzimba in South Africa.

“Anton was assassinated in his home for doing his job protecting the incredible biodiversity of his country. And globally, 1400 rangers have been killed in the past decade.

“The sobering Roll of Honour that we saw earlier recognises the Rangers who lost their lives and serves as a reminder of the ultimate price paid by too many on the frontline of conservation.

“A few weeks ago at the United for Wildlife Global Summit, I was delighted to announce a new initiative that helps improve welfare support for rangers through a series of innovative measures, including providing accident, medical and life insurance, as well as mentorship.

“Developed by Tusk, in partnership with the Game Rangers Association of Africa, this scheme will go a long way in recognising rangers’ critical contribution to safeguarding threatened species, habitats and local communities.

“It is only through a collaborative approach, under the guidance of indigenous and local communities, that we can foster lasting and meaningful change.

“I believe we are the lucky ones.

“We live in a world in which incredible wildlife exists and I want that for the generations that follow.

“I want my children to live in a world where swallows still migrate, gorillas still live in the cloud forests of Uganda and rhinos still roam the arid rangelands of Namibia.

“It will be thanks to extraordinary leaders such as those that we are celebrating today that this will happen.

“Well done, once again, to tonight’s winners. You give us all optimism for the future of our planet.

“I wish you all a wonderful evening.”

The Prince of Wales chatted with winners ahead of the Tusk Conservation Awards[/caption]
The Prince of Wales presented the Tusk Wildlife Ranger Award Winner to Claver Ntoyinkima[/caption]
Wills talking to actor and activist Idris Elba at the London event[/caption]
William said ‘I want my children to live in a world where swallows still migrate, gorillas still live’[/caption]

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