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“An extraordinary adventure” - Artur Jorge’s Botafogo edge closer to Brazilian title ahead of historic Copa Libertadores final

Palmeiras 1-3 Botafogo

Many questions had been asked of Artur Jorge and his Botafogo side in recent weeks, as the team who have spent much of the season leading the Brazilian championship began to falter and lost top spot during the run-in.

However, on Tuesday evening Artur Jorge’s men produced the most stunning of results at precisely the right moment, winning 3-1 at Abel Ferreira’s Palmeiras to return to the leadership of Brasileirão. With the Copa Libertadores final on Saturday, Fogão remain on-course for a remarkable double.

Having led the table by six points with 6 rounds left, Botafogo were in an excellent position to become Brazilian champions for the first time since 1995. However, three consecutive draws allowed defending champions Palmeiras to assume control of the standings on goal difference ahead of the crunch meeting at Allianz Parque.

Understandably, the visitors looked nervy in the early stages and Palmeiras threatened in the first ten minutes. Having survived the early angst, Artur Jorge’s side stunned the hosts on 19 minutes when Gregore’s cool finish gave them a 1-0 lead, which remained in-tact for much of what was a tense evening.

Abel’s team threatened without showing the required quality and their task of finding an equaliser was made more difficult when defender Marcos Rocha received a red card for lashing out at Igor Jesus with 20 minutes remaining. Just moments later, Igor Jesus was decisive at the other end in providing the much-needed second for Savarino to put Botafogo 2-0 up.

Adryelson added a third to send Artur Jorge’s men intp dreamland in the 89th minute, before Richard Rios’ injury-time consolation for Palmeiras. As a result, Botafogo move three points clear (1+ superior goal difference) at the top with two matches remaining, although the final couple of games are far from comfortable, with a trip 3rd-place International followed by a final-day home clash with São Paulo, who are in 6th.

Reaction of Artur Jorge (Botafogo manager):

“A very important victory for us, because it allows us to return to first place. We still have six more points to play for and we have to continue working as we did today because we will also have very strong opponents. Today, we had a very difficult opponent, who has put up a tremendous fight. Today, it could only be like this. Only with a Botafogo of this level would it be possible to win like we did.

"After some doubts, probably today we showed that we are alive, that we are in the fight, that we will continue to fight. It was a tremendous response from a team that performed at a very high level.

“I don't feel any pressure, I confess. I'm living an extraordinary adventure. I understand the fans' anxiety, they've been waiting for many years to win a title. But we can't let up on the pressure just yet. We have a trophy to fight for on Saturday, a Libertadores, something our club has never done before. Then we have those six points to fight for, and four are enough. But we can't rest. It's not time to relax yet. We have to be confident, calm about the work we're doing. Today was proof of that. Nothing is won, nothing is done. I say again, it was an important step for us, but we have to get back to earth again, on Saturday we have a huge game and then we have Internacional and São Paulo so we can close the championship with the desired title.

Abel Ferreira (Palmeiras manager):

"Although Palmeiras have a higher expectation of goals, I think the opponent was better and also successful in the game. We are fighting to be champions. Or is someone already a champion? Has the champion already been decided….?

“Botafogo has everything it needs to be champions. They have been investing in this for four years. When I arrived in Brazil, Botafogo was in the second division, and in four years they reached the Libertadores final and are playing neck and neck with us in the championship. We are still in the fight. Botafogo has everything it needs to be champions. They wasted it last year and I don’t believe they will waste it again.

“Some fans chanted "burro" at me? A small portion of the fans, but did you see what everyone did [booed them]? That shows how much they love us. I understand. There are so many titles together. It seems like Palmeiras always wins and you know that’s not the case. They have good managers, players, resources, but the truth is that today everything went well with the opponent, but there is still no champion.”

Botafogo meet Atletico Mineiro on Saturday in the Argentinian capital Buenos Aires, where Artur Jorge’s side hope to become South American champions for the first time in their history.

By @SeanGillen9

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