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Айрат Гибатдинов заявил, что в России ведется работа над созданием единого стандарта антитеррористической безопасности образовательных учреждений

В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии задержали подозреваемого в незаконном проникновении на территорию закрытого обувного салона

В РПЦ охарактеризовали множество россиян как распущенных сусликов

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Holiday gift guide: Here’s what to buy for a gamer who has everything

Hard-core gamers can be difficult to shop for during the holidays. They may already have the game that you purchased for them or it could be the right one, but for the wrong platform. Plenty of gift-buying pitfalls exist for the uninitiated.

With that in mind, here are gift ideas for gamers that have everything. It’s a mix of gear that enhances the player’s experience, top picks for the year and lifestyle items. These suggestions are often better than rummaging through a gamer’s library, which is more difficult now that libraries are digital.

SteelSeries Arctis GameBuds — Headsets are a natural way to level up an experience and these versatile earbuds will do the trick. Players can use them with their smartphones like AirPods or they can connect them to a console for a deeper gaming experience. Impressive battery life, active noise cancellation and robust software make this headset not only great for gaming but perfect as a daily driver. Price: $159.99

Audeze Maxwell — Those wishing for an upgrade to their regular headset should look no further than these set of cans. Boasting 90mm planar magnet drivers, the Maxwell boasts luscious sound that will please audiophiles while also having the chops for gaming. Players will marvel at audio that places players in a scene while also giving them the edge in the competitive scene. It also has excellent battery life that will last weeks. Price: $299

Chilkey ND75 — Gamers looking for a keyboard that’s versatile enough for work and play should consider this offering 75% format. The mechanical keyboard has a smaller form factor than a ten keyless while offering gaming accouterments such as RGB lighting and a customizable postage stamp-sized screen. Keyboard enthusiasts will love its sturdiness and sound, but the best part about the keyboard is its price at $99.

“The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom” — A rule of thumb is that whenever there’s a sale on first-party Nintendo titles, it’s best to pick them up, and the newest entry to the famed franchise is worth a consideration. It’s the first title that stars Zelda as the central protagonist while also offering up a distinctive gameplay style that makes her adventure as good as anything starring Link. The title is on sale starting at $41.99.

Nintendo Alarmo — If the Nintendo fan in your life wants even more Zelda, Mario, Splatoon or more, this is the device to pick up. It’s a physical alarm clock that adds a bit of whimsy to the day. Packed with high-tech features such as motion sensors, it lets users hit the snooze with a gesture before the device ramps up its alarm. It turns waking up into a little game, but all that fandom is pricey at $99.

“Metaphor: ReFantazio” — Gamers craving an epic adventure can’t go wrong with this Japanese role-playing game from the minds behind “Persona 5.” It has much of the same trappings of that beloved game with players going through nearly five calendar months and building relationships (but not romances) with allies. It all adds up to one of the most enjoyable games of the year. Price: The title is on sale for $49.99.

Xbox Game Pass Ultimate —
If you’re still struggling to decide what game to purchase, why not give them the choice of picking from more than 500 of them? This is Microsoft’s version of Netflix for gamers, and it includes popular titles such as “Call of Duty: Black Ops 6” and upcoming projects such as MachineGames’ “Indiana Jones and the Great Circle” and Obsidian’s “Avowed.” Price: A subscription costs $20 a month with a three-month pass going for $49.99.

PlayStation 5 Pro — If your gamer has been extra good this year, then this top-of-the-line console is a worthy reward. This mid-generation refresh has 67% more computing horsepower than the standard version and the system uses that with features such as AI-enhanced visuals and advanced ray tracing that creates more realistic environments. The system approaches the graphics of a gaming rig and is designed to compete with that at a price of $699.

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Новости России

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Айрат Гибатдинов заявил, что в России ведется работа над созданием единого стандарта антитеррористической безопасности образовательных учреждений

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Разогнать этнические кланы в России. Депутат призвал действовать "по-серьёзному": "Не нужна нам эта миграция"

Экология в России и мире

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Спорт в России и мире

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Половодье в Тверской

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