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Tired of Bourbon? This New American Whiskey Trend Is Your Next Favorite Drink

When you think of American whiskey, bourbon likely springs to mind. It’s the quintessential American spirit, steeped in history and anchored by its signature corn sweetness. 

But in recent years, another category of whiskey has been quietly stealing the spotlight: American single malt. It's redefining what U.S. whiskey can be, proving that the country’s heritage isn’t limited to the cornfields of Kentucky and Tennessee. 

With bold flavors, creative techniques, and a willingness to challenge tradition, American single malts are carving out a place on the global stage, rivaling even their Scottish counterparts.

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What Is American Single Malt?

American single malt whiskey is a relatively new category, but it’s one that’s rapidly gaining traction. Like single malt Scotch whisky, it’s made from 100-percent malted barley and distilled at a single location. However, the American version comes with a distinctly innovative spirit, unburdened by the centuries-old traditions that shape Scotch production.

The American single malt movement began in the early 2000s, spearheaded by craft distilleries like Washington’s Westland, Colorado’s Stranahan’s, and California’s St. George Spirits. These pioneers took inspiration from Scotch but infused it with an American ethos, focusing on creativity and pushing boundaries. Their success has sparked a wave of new producers, with distilleries in nearly every state joining the movement.

American distillers are embracing the freedom to experiment, using unique cask finishes, local grains, and unconventional aging environments to create whiskeys that are unmistakably their own. Whether it’s the maritime air of the Pacific Northwest, the arid heat of the Southwest, or the high-altitude conditions of the Rockies, these whiskeys reflect the diverse environment they are made in, offering drinkers a literal taste of the land.

In 2021, the American Single Malt Whiskey Commission proposed a formal definition for the category, aiming to establish standards that would give it greater recognition on the international stage. The proposed rules specify that American single malts must be made entirely in the U.S., distilled from 100-percent malted barley, and aged in oak casks, among other criteria. While still awaiting final approval, these guidelines are a sign that the category is maturing and gaining respect both domestically and abroad.

How Does American Single Malt Differ From Bourbon?

While bourbon is defined by its reliance on corn and new charred oak barrels, American single malts draw their complexity from malted barley and a wide range of production techniques. This opens up an entirely new flavor palette for American whiskey, including notes of roasted nuts, dark chocolate, dried fruits, and gentle smokiness.

Moreover, American single malts aren’t bound by bourbon’s strict aging requirements. Many producers are experimenting with different cask types, including port, sherry, and even beer barrels, to add unique layers of flavor. These innovative techniques have allowed distillers to craft whiskeys that rival the complexity of Scotch while forming their own identity.

One of the defining traits of American single malt is its ability to capture the essence of its environment. Westland Distillery in Seattle, for example, prides itself on using Pacific Northwest barley and aging its whiskey in a maritime climate, resulting in expressions with a distinct earthy and nutty character. Meanwhile, Virginia Distillery Co. draws on its Appalachian setting to create whiskeys with rich fruit and spice notes, enhanced by aging in sherry casks.

Stranahan's single malt whiskeys have nabbed gold medals at international spirits competitions.

Courtesy Image

In Colorado, Stranahan’s takes advantage of the state’s high-altitude conditions to craft whiskeys with bright, clean flavors, while Balcones Distilling in Texas embraces the state’s intense heat to create bold, robust expressions. These regional differences not only highlight the diversity of American single malts but also give the category a sense of authenticity and connection to each individual bottle's place of origin.

What’s Next for American Single Malt?

The rise of American single malts isn’t just about adding variety to the whiskey world, it’s about challenging expectations. For years, the global whiskey narrative has been dominated by Scotland, Ireland, and, more recently, Japan. American whiskey, meanwhile, was often pigeonholed as bourbon and little else. The emergence of American single malts shatters that stereotype, showcasing the ingenuity and craftsmanship of American distillers, proving that the U.S. can produce world-class whiskey that stands toe-to-toe with the best.

For whiskey drinkers, this means more choices than ever. Whether you’re a Scotch aficionado looking to expand your palate or a bourbon lover ready to try something new, American single malts offer a wealth of flavors and styles to explore. From peaty, smoky drams that rival Islay to rich, fruity expressions that recall Speyside, there’s an American single malt for every taste.

As the category continues to grow, the future of American single malts looks bright. More distilleries are joining the movement, each bringing their own perspective and style. At the same time, increasing international recognition is putting these whiskeys on the map, with American single malts winning awards and earning accolades from whiskey critics and enthusiasts worldwide.

The formalization of the category, along with growing consumer interest, suggests that American single malts are here to stay. And while they may still be a niche compared to bourbon, they’re proving that American whiskey isn’t just about corn and char. It’s about creativity, craftsmanship, and a willingness to push the boundaries of what whiskey can be.

So, the next time you’re browsing the whiskey aisle, take a step beyond bourbon. Pick up an American single malt and experience the new frontier of U.S. whiskey for yourself. You might just find that the future of American whiskey lies in the barley fields.

Related: I've Tried Hundreds of Whiskeys. This Award-Winning Bottle Is the Best American Single Malt, Period

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