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If you know outdoor gear, you know Arc’teryx. The brand is beloved for its innovative apparel designed to perform in challenging backcountry conditions. The only bummer: It’s priced accordingly. With steep price tags, Arc’teryx items can feel a bit like unobtanium, but as part of REI's massive Cyber Week sale (with select deals running through Dec. 2), there's a stellar discount on one of the most sought-after Arc’teryx jackets, and it's already starting to sell out.
The Arc'teryx Atom Insulated Hoodie is on sale for as low as $210, up to 29% off its normal price of $300. It’s available at this price in three colorways—Vitality, Canvas II, and Solari—and comes in sizes XS to 3XL, though they're moving quickly. It's also sporting a lesser but welcome 14% discount in classic black and navy colors. It's earned over 200 five-star ratings at REI from shoppers who say it “fits amazing,” is “very comfortable,” and feels “pleasantly warm.” If you've been waiting for a discount on this popular jacket, now is the time to get one.
The Arc’teryx Atom Insulated Hoodie is built with a laundry list of features to keep you warm and comfortable in chilly, drizzly weather. The jacket is made with a sturdy Tyono nylon shell that’s coated with a DWR finish, so it not only stands up to scrapes and scratches on the trail, it’ll repel light precipitation to keep it from soaking you. Underneath, the Atom is stuffed with Coreloft Compact 60 synthetic insulation that offers lightweight, reliable warmth: Unlike down, this material traps heat even when wet. Stretchy fleece panels on the side increase your range of motion as you move, and articulated elbows do the same for your arms. Up top, an insulated and adjustable hood helps you batten down the hatches when the wind kicks up. The Atom also includes a trio of zippered pockets—two hand pockets and one internal.
One thing’s clear from the reviews on the REI website—shoppers love this jacket. One reviewer didn’t even mind paying full price: “When something is expensive…sometimes it is actually worth it,” they said. “It’s so light but so warm. I would totally buy it again.”
Another called the Atom “super stylish” and said it’s “the most versatile piece I own," noting it's “perfect for cool and cold weather.”
Arc’teryx gear is coveted for a reason: This stuff works. We rarely see major discounts on the brand’s outerwear, so don’t miss out on this sweet $90 price cut on the Atom Insulated Hoodie. Grab yours before this bestseller goes out of stock (as it almost certainly will), and you’ll be well-prepared for whatever weather comes your way this season.